MRI scan was extended whilst I was in it…

  • 5 replies
  • 36 subscribers

Hello all, 

Had my MRI today at 12 month mark. But this is the first time they’ve ever extended a scan whilst I am on the bed. He said it would be four x 4 min scans. Then he came on and said they’d do another so I’d be a bit longer.  Then again he said sorry but they were going to extend it and it would be another 10 mins. Was in there for an hour in the end. Historically it’s been about 30-35 mins but that included whole upper body inc brain whereas this time it was only pelvic area. 

Of course now I’m scared! results in a week but I’m hoping they’d call me sooner if it’s showing something has returned. Interesting no CT with contrast this time. 

Anyone else had their scan extended whilst on the scanning bed?  

many thanks 

PPR xx 

  • Oh PPR, that must be worrying but there is probably quite a simple explanation.  Were you given an injection to slow down your bowel working?  I always have that as when there is movement the MRI isn't so clear.  The operator can see whether the MRI is clear or not but as far as I know they don't interpret the scans - they then go on to a specialist.  I would say probably a blip in the machinery or your bowel being a bit active.  Let us know how you get on.

    Irene xx

  • Hello  

    Thank you for your reply, yes I was given the Buscopan injection before hand and had a muscle relaxant and was generally feeling quite good about things. Had a chat with a friend who is an oncologist and she said that they take lots of slices (ie pictures) and if any don’t quite show enough they often go back and redo. So I’ll just tell myself that’s what it was! 

    Will update you once the results are in (scheduled for next Weds). I’m feeling good although had a little flare up of colitis so I am sure things will be fine. It’s just when you’re in that tiny tunnel and you’re there for all that extra time your mind goes into overdrive! we’ve all been there! 

    PPR x 

  • Hi  

    I completely understand your worries, it doesn’t take much for that old familiar doubt & panic to begin setting in does it?

    It makes complete sense what you’re oncologist friend has said about clarity of the images, I knew that MRI’s are based on ’slices’ that build the final image & any movement, including internal movements, can disrupt the imaging hence the buscopan etc. Maybe if like you’ve said you’ve had a flare of colitis this could have contributed to the extended scan?

     It’ll be a long week for you waiting for the results but I’ve everything crossed that the results are good. Please let us know how you get on. 


  • This is the case and often if it’s blurry because of movement they will repeat. It’s a horrible thing to go through and even worse when your anxious. 

    sure all will be fine x