6 month review

  • 19 replies
  • 40 subscribers

Hi All,

Just been for my 6 month post chemoradiation scan results. Not the news I was hoping for. 2 more lymph nodes showing so Pet CT and CT then surgery! Any positive input will be greatly received! 

  • I am so sorry to hear this - really not the news you want to hear.  However, your team seem to be pulling out all the stops to clear you of this - I am not sure how extensive the surgery you are having, I have no experience of surgery for this, but wishing you the very best out come.  Do you know yet when all this is happening?  Please let us know.

    Irene xx

  • Thank you for your reply Irene75359. They are talking removal of back passage and stoma. Just to wait for scan dates now.x

  • Do your oncologists use immune stimulant agents to fight anal cancers?  After I finished chemo radiation, I was started in Feb 2022 on Opdivo which I took for 5 months until I had a reaction. Currently there are ongoing studies for Keytruda and Opdivo for anal cancer. 
    it seems that HPV related cancers secrete a protein that hides the cancer cells from your immune system but these drugs allow your immune system to secrete an enzyme that prevents the protein that the cancer cells secrete and then allow the cancer cells to be eliminated. 

    It’s expensive, but my insurance covered it and I believe it helped me. I do agree with your upcoming surgery, but as more radiation is not possible, immunotherapy might be a good idea to ensure clearance of all malignancy after surgery is done. 

  • Sorry, I was trying to respond to mimiM66!

  • Thanks Dr socks I will ask the question.

  • That is what my medical oncologist told me was the next step if the cancer was still active after chemo/radiation as there is a limit to how much radiation can be given.  There are a few on here who have stomas and have coped really well. The stoma has become part of their life now and is sometimes less trouble than the bowel problems that can come after treatment.  Thinking of you, and please keep us up-to-date with your treatment.

    Irene xx

  • Thank you Irene. Pet Ct booked for 6th Dec. x

  • Hi just wandering if you’d had the results of your pet ct yet. ? I had a stoma formed back in sept. I was dreading it but honestly hasn’t been half as bad as I’d expected x

  • Bless you Ker25. Today is the day that my case is to be discussed at MDT so everything crossed. Did you have your stoma after chemoradiation treatment? Sending love and best wishes to you!xx

  • Good results today no further spread just the 2 nodes as seen on MRI. Awaiting appointment with Surgical Team and Colorectal Nurses now!