Biopsy aftercare

  • 14 replies
  • 40 subscribers

Hi all, me again!

My brain has been in overdrive today (like a computer with too many tabs open!) I’m trying to break it down like Hopie said but I struggle with that. I prefer to be prepared for what may be ahead so am already looking at treatment and side effects. I’ve even gone as far as to phone a friend and ask if I can give her a spare key in case I’m ever that ill that I need her or an paramedic to break in! (Catastrophing is a bad trait of mine!).

So although I have a million questions, I’m going to try and just ask those relevant to my current situation, so here goes:

1. Pain relief - I know it is likely they will give me codeine or co-codeomel, but obviously I want to try and avoid constipation, so would I be better to just take paracetamol and Ibuprofen? If so would that be both together every 4 hours?

2. Wound care - I have been told no toilet paper or wipes, and no baths, so I plan on just using the shower head and my sitz bath with a bit of epsom salt in it, but how long before I can I put a bit of shower gel in there? (I just won’t feel clean otherwise) plus any recommendations for a paraben, SLS and fragrance free shower gel?  Will I be able to put any kind of numbing cream on the area? I’ve read a lot on here about different creams/gels for radiation burns but not sure what I could use after a removal/biopsy.

3. Comfort - I’m looking at buying a cushion to sit on but read that the typical donut type ones are not good for your pelvis, so does anyone have any other recommendations? 

4. A couple of weeks after the surgery I’m due my period, I cannot use tampons and think that sanitary towels will rub too much, so I’m thinking of maybe buying some period pants, would this be a better option?

5. Last one I promise! I’m struggling to eat at the moment as I’m just to anxious. I know this is not good for me as I need to build myself up. But can anyone recommend any type of protein/replacement meal shakes that may help me get some nutrients in? I’ve been looking at Huel, but at £3.50 a bottle it’s going to end up costing a fortune.

If you’ve made it this far, I really appreciate it! 

Sarah x

  • Hi Sarah, you’ve made me anxious reading your post.

    please please calm down, everything will fall into place. Your in the best place here for helping with any anxiety the people at Macmillan have been my rock through my full treatment. I honestly don’t know what 8 would have done without the support of others going through the same. 

    Take a breath and one day at a time. 

    I finished my treatment 7mth ago, been up and down but always been positive all the way thanks to Macmillan and all the wonderful people on here. Xxxxxxxx

  • Hi Sarah your head just goes into a spin doesn’t it? You just want to be informed and prepared which is a good thing and it’s hard not to over think things. When it comes to taking pain killers your specialist nurse you will be allocated with is there with you all the way to advise on medication so don’t worry as they want to make sure you don’t struggle too much. You are right, opioid drugs constipate and you will be prescribed a suitable stool softener. I took movicol. Some people here alternated the paracetomol and ibuprofen taking one does of one and two hours take a dose of the other so each drug is four hours apart to to maximum amount allowed per 24 hrs. I don’t know what your situation is but I had surgery before treatment to cut out a tumour but this did not interfere with showering or bathing. I used moo goo bath gel as it was fab. I don’t know about the periods as I have gone through the menopause. If you are struggling to eat can you eat things like healthy soups and custards or rice puddings? Please try and take each day as it comes and you will start to find what suits you best in how to cope. Come on here and let off steam as we have all been there. Your medical team will be on hand to help you with your side effects which differs from person to person. I hope this has gone a little way in helping calm your worries. 

  • I’m sorry 1996, I just can’t seem to calm down at the moment. I’m actually going out of my mind! I think it’s because I live on my own and there’s only so much support friends can offer

    Having said that, I have already found this group to be amazing and I know that I can come here with my concerns and there are some great people happy to listen and give support and advice.

    Hopefully I will calm down soon x

  • Thank you Jaycee, that has really helped. I have suffered with health anxiety ever since I had my first abnormal smear test in 2005, and the whole HPV issue has haunted me ever since (I was once told I had PTSD because if it) so now this has happened its like my worst fear coming true.

    I really do appreciate the advice and support from this group though, it definitely helps to slightly ease my anxieties xx

  • Hi   I'm sorry to hear how you're feeling but don't worry, it's totally normal and very sensible you're wanting to be prepared. Please don't feel bad for asking questions- ask away, that's what we're here for.  I just wanted to pick up on your cushion question. I tried a donut ring and it wasn't comfortable.  I was then given the most comfy cushion in the world, a large pressure relieving cushion from the district nurses (free!) They also offered me a special mattress for my bed too but I didn't need that. Either your Treating Team or GP can make a referral to the District Nurses and they will come out to visit you.  The cushion arrived within a few days of it being ordered.  

    I was on the mini pill when I had my biopsy/treatment so no periods but I would probably give the period pants a go.  

    Please  let us know how you get on.  Bev x

  • Thanks Bev, I’m not sure I’ll have access to a district nurse as I have gone though my private health insurance at work so not quite sure how that’s works with aftercare. I think I will buy one so  I have one ready x

  • Hi ,

    You do sound in a really high state of anxiety & although we all suffer from some anxiety when it overtakes your every waking moment you really should try & seek some support, it must be an awful feeling when you’re spiralling like this. We’ve several members that have come through this forum that have been prescribed medication by their GP’s to help with their anxiety during their diagnosis, treatment etc., so please ask some help, you must be exhausted. 

    In answer to your questions, I couldn’t take anything opium based for pain relief because it caused me dreadful constipation therefore I alternated paracetamol & ibuprofen 2 hourly, I also took lansoprazole to protect my stomach as I was taking high dose ibuprofen.

    Wound care, I used aquamax cream to wash with (still do) it’s similar to an aqueous cream & is SLS free. Even many of the paraben & SLS free product contain some fragrance, I get a lot of my clean beauty products from Holland & Barrett’s & I know they do an organic Aloe Vera range that will be fragrance free. I was never told not to have a bath etc., but you’re best sticking to what your surgeon/consultant advises.

    There are many different pressure cushions around, there’s lots available on the likes of Amazon, you’d maybe be best asking at the hospital if they could recommend one. 

    I constantly wore pant liners/pads following my surgery to remove my tumour & after my treatment as I suffered some bleeding & leakage & they didn’t cause any irritation at all. 

    Nutrition wise if you’re not eating very well at the moment I agree you should maybe try some meal replacement/protein shakes, again your GP or hospital could probably suggest something & I know of people that have also had these on prescription. There are so many meal  replacement/protein shakes etc., on the market now it’s a bit of a minefield, there’s a website called livescience that gives pros/cons on many different powders if you want to do your own research. 

    I hope this helps a little. 


  • Hi Sarah,

    I'm sorry to hear about your increased anxiety. That has to be so difficult. Being prepared makes sense. I ordered some stuff prior to surgery (I had APR surgery) and then a bunch of stuff from Amazon while I was in the hospital to have when I got home. I had a better idea of what I needed at that point. I would add to your list a peri bottle. I found the water pressure to be too strong. I've been on bed rest for weeks so I haven't tried any cushions as of yet. My surgeon has had me laying on my back or side because it doesn't put pressure on my bottom, so that might help. I use Cetaphil, which is a mild soap. I currently have a wound complication so I soak several sterile non-woven gauze pads in soapy water and then gently press. I rinse with warm water from a peri bottle and pat dry with Kleenex. I don't know about pads. I had chemo induced menopause, but those period pants sound helpful. I do drink Ensure high protein. They are rather expensive. My nutritionist stressed eating protein and more protein. When I lost my appetite during treatment, I would have ice cream and gingerale floats, which my nutritionist suggested! We weren't concerned about fruit and veggies at the point, only calories. Hang in there! We're here for you!

    Keeping you in my thoughts,


  • Hi Nicola. Thank you so much for all the detailed info, that helps so much! I was thinking about starting some medication and my GP did prescribe mirtazipine but I’m reluctant to start it in case it causes constipation. I saw a friend today and had a bit of a meltdown but felt a little better after. I’m trying not to Google now as it really wasn’t helping me x 

  • Hi Hopie, thank you for all the info, that really helps so much! I have actually added a peri bottle to my Amazon basket. I’m starting to feel more prepared which is helping with my anxiety.

    Wishing you a speedy recovery from your surgery x