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Some of you may have seen my post a couple of weeks ago titled ‘Scared’ Well I had my sigmoidoscopy on Monday where I explained my fears of anal cancer due to HPV and the lump from my anus. However the Dr carrying out the procedure didn’t seem at all interested and just wanted to get on with the sigmoidoscopy. He did a digital rectal exam and VERY briefly looked at the area of concern but this was done in the dark as they was more interested in what was on the screen during the procedure itself. Anyway he said that the lump was ‘a few skin tags’ and during the procedure said there were some small internal hemorroids. However I personally do not think the lump feels or looks anything like a skin tag!  Plus how could he tell when he was looking in the dark! I do have one skin tag and the lump does seem to be connected to it but it is big and hard, not soft and flappy like you’d expect a skin tag to be. I told him I didn’t think it was a skin tag and he just said it was and that if I wanted it removed to get my GP to refer me to a colorectal surgeon, then walked off! The nurse then said there’s no cancer don’t worry and sent me on my way, but I just don’t feel satisfied. I have spoke to my GP and she is going to do me a letter for me to then go through my works private healthcare to speed things up! 
Anyway my question is do you think I should be satisfied with the doctors ‘diagnosis’ or keep pushing to have it removed and biopsied? Thanks Sarah 

  • Damn. I was sure hoping for a more helpful outcome for you. 

    No clue as to whether or not removal is warranted, but I myself would sure be pushing for a biopsy. I had this sort of dismissive response SEVEN TIMES before my amazing gastro doctor decided to go in and biopsy and found it.

    I mean, I hope this guy is right. Just a few skin tags and an odd lump.

    But I'd want a biopsy to verify that.

    I"m so sorry, Sarah. I'd stay on 'em.

    :( Suz

  • Hi 

    I hope you don’t mind me pitching in from a different group, but having an hpv driven cancer myself I get concerned when I see other peoples’ worries dismissed when it might be a factor in a diagnosis. 

    I’m with Suz on this and would want a biopsy, as a hard lump doesn’t sound the same as skin tags. I appreciate I don’t have experience of anal cancer, but a biopsy of a lump should surely be part of the plan for you. I’d want it definitively identified to be discounted as cancer if it isn’t that. I’d keep asking questions. I hope you can get some answers which don’t leave you in limbo as it seems this has. 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thanks Suz. Yes I definitely think that I need to push for a biopsy especially after hearing you was dismissed 7 times….that’s unbelievable!

  • Thanks Sarah (great name by the way!) Yes I agree that any lump should be biopsied, especially in view of my history (I actually had adenocarcinoma in situ of the cervix 10 years ago) 

  • Looks like you need to be proactive in getting some more action taken, especially since you have already been through AIS on your cervix. Good luck!

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi ,

    Like Suz (), I was hoping for a more helpful outcome for you & it makes me both sad & angry that you came away from this feeling dismissed! 

    In your position I would push, push, push for further investigations. I’ve lost count just in the time I’ve been here of the amount of people that have gone through months & months of misdiagnosis before finally being diagnosed with anal cancer. I really do hope this isn’t the case with you but the only sure fire way to rule out anal cancer is for this lump & possibly surrounding tissues to be biopsied! Regardless of what this lump is it’s causing you issues & needs treating/removing whatever it turns out to be. 

    Hopefully going down the private healthcare route if you manage to see a colorectal surgeon they may be a little more willing to do what needs to be done to give you definitive answers.


  • Thank you Nicola, I do feel angry that he completely dismissed my concerns and now feel left in limbo again. I’m making myself ill with worry and I still don’t even know how long it’s going to take to get a private referral. Im trying to keep busy but it’s all I can think about  

  • Wow, Sarah H, what a story! I'm so glad you stopped into this corner of the forum. Your journey is a nail biter to read, and I'm so glad you're still here starring in it and living large!

  • Well, I wouldn’t quite say I’m living it large but I’m still here! Although I’m mainly obviously in the cervical group, I pop up in other groups that involve the sensitive parts of my anatomy that I’ve now lost, and anywhere my antennae are pinged by mention of hpv. 

    This is a really supportive group so I hope nobody minds me popping up here from time to time if I think I might be able to add something. You are a really encouraging bunch who have been through a lot too, with great advice and support for everyone. 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • I am horrified that some doctors are so dismissive of patients' concerns and I think his attitude was cavalier to say the least.  I am so sorry you have had to go through this but relieved you have your GP on side and health insurance through your work.  My anal cancer was a lump in my rectum and I had two sigmoidoscopies with biopsies taken both times and still the results came back negative.  Fortunately the team treating me had me back in very quickly to have a biopsy taken under GA, followed the same week by a further biopsy taken through my lower back.  These two later biopsies confirmed anal cancer. 

    Sometimes, very unfortunately, you have to be your own advocate and I think you are doing the right thing by having a much more thorough investigation.  Of course I am really hoping that what you have is nothing to worry about so please come back and let us know how you get on.

    Irene xx