Chemo and radiation

  • 10 replies
  • 36 subscribers

Hi I’ve just seen my oncologist today 10/10 and been inform I will have  two types of chemo and radiation for the first week the 5 and weeks of radiation then repeat the first week. To say I’m nervous is an understatement! Has anyone any experience of this please? Ct scan first then treatment starts probably mid November. Feeling apprehensive. 

  • Hi Nanny, that sounds almost exactly like the treatment I had. I totally get the nerves. It would be weird NOT to be somewhat alarmed, I think!

    Everyone copes differently, but for me it was important to be informed but not TOO informed- ie, not to dive too deeply into the Internet places where every hoary detail is described. I decided that I'd be one of the lucky ones who sails through treatment and recovery with minimal symptoms and side effects. To grab the experience by the balls.

    I wasn't one of the lucky ones, but it wasn't as bad as it could have been either. The first week was okay, the next couple of weeks the pain and fatigue slowly built up, and the last week or two and first few weeks of recovery were rough. 

    But hang tough! I'm now 6 months past treatment and I've had over two weeks with virtually NO pain or issues beyond some lingering bouts with tiredness. It feels simply fantastic to be pain-free and living mostly normally. 

    The regimen of pounding our cancers hard and relentlessly takes a toll, but I think it's the reason so many of us are surviving for longer and having better lives on the far side of it. 

    This place is simply the best for support and sharing information. Glad you found us. Stick around!


  • Hi GreenNanny,

    I had similar treatment of 5 and a half weeks radiation but took chemo tablets Monday to Friday each week also.  If you click on my name you can see my story - I am 9 weeks post treatment now - so you will get there I did!

    It is very frightening and I found the wait before treatment starts the worst time.  You will probably have a specialist radiology nurse who you will see weekly and you should be able to contact her anytime inbetween.  I was fine although very tired for the first three weeks of treatment the side effects start to kick in after that but you will get lots of support from your nurse and the radiology team.

    I would focus on each week at a time for now and as you start to get side effects ask questions on the forum and use the search option on this forum this is where I found the best advice as everyone here has been through the same treatment.

    I would definitely purchase a sitz bath which i found recommended on this forum - as you will find this so so useful as the weeks progress - I got mine from Amazon.  

    So you are not alone,

    with very best wishes,

    Carole x

  • Thank you fir your reply. I’ve had a good cry with my husband. I hate crying I’ll do anything other than cry don’t like how sore my eyes are afterwards and swollen. Thanks for the advice it means a lot! Hope you are ok! X 

  • I've shed quite a few tears too - its good for you!

    Thank you i'm doing okay still a way to go as early days my oncologist told me.  I have my first scans in 3 weeks - fingers crossed. X

  • You sound very similar to you. I had suffered with bowel problems Gluten free IBS and hemorrhoids for years. I was told it was hemorrhoids for a long time, few years.Then I was told I had a prolapsed bowel and anal cancer. To then to told my another specialist it’s not a prolapsed bowel it’s part of the tumor hanging out! Unfortunately I’ve had to have 3 biopsies 2 under general aesthetic until they got a definitive result. This is way treatment has taken so long to start. I’m stage 2 no spread. Thinking of you and wishing you well x 

  • Hi GreenNanny

    Yes your story very similar to mine and lots more on this forum. Good luck with your treatment now it is finally going to start.

    Thinking of you too keep in touch x

  • Hello GreenNanny and welcome to the club that I am sure you would rather not belong to - however you have come to the right place as everyone on here has had the same or similar treatment and can totally empathise with your feelings.  It is very frightening and I, too had quite a few tears especially at the beginning.  Your husband sounds very supportive which is important as by Christmas your treatment will have ended and it is important that you do as little as possible and get lots of help whilst you recover.  The team treating you are totally familiar with any side effects you might have and will help with dressings if needed and medication.  I counted the days of treatment off and although I struggled a bit at the end it was surprising how quickly they passed.

    And we are all here if you want to have a weep, a rant or advice about a specific problem - and remember, nothing is too much information.

    Sending you lots of good wishes.

    Irene xx

  • Thank you this means a lot knowing I can come here when feeling so scared! Look after yourself my lovely take care xx 

  • i didnt get any side effects only few little ulcers on bottom lip..i had a little odd feeling at times but to even call it nausea makes it sound much worse than it was..defo get the sitz bath, it was good for when the burns started but when they got worse i filled a jug with just warm water and poured that on when i had to wee..if you need any help with anything to make things easier ask on here, i read through answers to everyones questions which helped x

  • Thank you so much for this information x