New nodule on lung at three month PET scan.

  • 12 replies
  • 37 subscribers

Hi there!

I am 5 months out from treatment for Anal cancer. I had a CT scan of my chest in ER 2.5 months out because of a fever. My fever turned out to be cause by a urinary tract infection. On my three month follow up PET Scan they found a new small nodule on my lung that wasn't there on my original scans. They compared it to the newer CT scan from ER and it showed up there as well. I have actually been pretty calm about it, except sometimes it gets the better of me. On the one hand benign lung nodules are somewhat common. On the other hand, I'm not to sure how significant a totally new nodule is under the circumstances. I have a follow up scan in two weeks, but it's starting to feel like a long wait. Has anyone else experienced a spread to the lung?

Thanks for any information anyone might provide.      

  • Hi  and welcome to the group. A lung nodule also showed up on my first scan & like you I reasoned with myself that it was quite a common thing to have a lung nodule but then, in darker moments I did think it could be something more sinister. The Oncologist said that they had to do a second scan to see if it had changed and fortunately it hadn’t. Apparently lung nodules are particularly common in anyone who has ever smoked ( as I did years ago), but can also arise in non-smokers.  If it is a malignant nodule, then I suspect a different sort of chemo would be suggested. We did have a lady on here a while back who had a spread to the lung, I can’t just remember if there has been anyone else. Anyway, I hope that in your case the nodule is benign. I will keep everything crossed for you. Waiting for scans and results is very difficult and to be honest the only thing that really helps me is keeping as busy as possible. Please also always feel free to come on here for support. Bev 

  • Thank you 1in1500!

    It is so nice to read your response.

    Sounds like we had very similar reactions to the news. There is some strange comfort in that. :) I've kinda been in my head all alone with this.

    Can I clarify with you? Was it your " first scan" before treatment that the nodule was found or on your follow up? This was a new nodule that wasn't on your original scan? The "new" part is what gives me pause. I'm being a bit neurotic right now. lol.   

    Thanks again,


  • Hi   it was discovered on my first scan after my diagnosis. Also on my first scan, there was a growth on one of my kidneys and a ‘thickening’ on one of my ribs. My Oncologist said that if you scan anyone over the age of 20 then you will find anomalies like this. He was right, none of those things changed at any further scans. I did have a change to my pelvic MRI scan after treatment which was a ‘thickening’ to a part of my pelvis. This wasn’t there at my earlier scans. They rescanned me 3 months later as they weren’t sure what it was but it hadn’t changed. There will sometimes be changes to our scans ( for no sinister reason) and this is difficult to deal with after diagnosis and treatment as your mind understandably flies to the worst case scenario. A cancer diagnosis does make you lose trust and faith in your body. For me, this has been the worst part of having cancer.  I do hope you do not have to wait too long for your results, it really is an awful time. Hope this helps a little. Bev x

  • Dear 1in1500,

    It helps a lot! I think I just needed a little reassurance at the moment. Reading about someone else experiences with these quirky findings is calming. I intellectually know that there is a good chance it's nothing, but the what ifs and not being able to find any info on it is unnerving at times. I also realize there is really no answer until my scan. So back to that place of indifference. xo  

  • Hello , scans are just the worst for major anxiety.  I had one spot on my lung at diagnosis, had six months systemic chemo, followed my chemo and radiotherapy.  When I saw the oncologist he said that ablations would follow for the spots on my lungs.  I was horrified and asked him when the other spot appeared, and he said it has always been there.  He was very busy dealing with an emergency so I didn't get the chance to ask him more.  My appointments came through for the lung ablations which I had the first and second week after I finished the radiotherapy.  The three-month scan showed only scar tissue.  At my three-month appointment the young oncologist I saw said the nodules on your stomach haven't changed.  Again, these stomach nodules were news to me, but she said they are harmless.  She said if every single person were scanned, various nodules would show up and in most cases are totally harmless.

    So the points I am making are if you have a small spot on your lung, it is easily treated (according to my oncologist).
    And, contrary to what you thought I was also told everyone has nodules everywhere and they are most often not cancerous.

    Will be thinking of you, please come back and let us know how you get on.

  • Thank you Irene!

    I appreciate your words. Yes, these scans can really be frustrating. You have to wait to hear the results, then wait three months for another scan to see if anything changes in the first scan. There is just too much time for the mind to wonder. lol Your experience is very encouraging, thank you for taking the time to respond. I will be sure to come back and post the results.  xo 

  • So good news! My nodule is actually almost gone!  I just wanted to come back and let anyone going through these incidental findings on scans to keep things (not always easy) in perspective. As everyone else reassured me, they are common. Thank you all for the support!


  • Hi , that’s such good news, I’m so pleased to read this. You’re right it’s so, so difficult keeping things in perspective & trying to stop our thoughts running wild when something unexpected arises but I guess this is the legacy of a cancer diagnosis isn’t it? 


  • Great news very pleased for you.

  •   So thrilled for you!!!