Recurrence & APR surgery

  • 53 replies
  • 45 subscribers


New to the site. I'm looking for some support and info. I'm 45 years old. I was diagnosed with stage 3 anal cancer and underwent 6-weeks of radiation and chemo in 2021. It worked and I have been in remission for 15-months. I saw my surgical oncologist for my regular check-up and she felt a small mass - same site as the original tumor. I have no symptoms, no blood. In fact, I feel healthy and stronger than I have in months. Had a PET scan yesterday. Findings show that there is a neoplasm probably a recurrence of original disease. Having a biopsy on Monday. Gearing up for round 2!  Has anyone had the APR after chemo/radiation? Please share your story. I have read some bleak studies on recurrence after the APR surgery that is causing a lot of anxiety. Thanks so much!

  • Hi Hopie,

    I have no personal experience to offer you, just coming in with support and sympathy. I'm so glad that, since you have another chapter to write about this miserable situation, that you're going into feeling great. I think that's so huge in how we get through it all.

    I hope a few folks step forward with personal stories about it. Dr. Google is a helpful but hugely problematic source of information, as we all know. I can't resist an occasional Google but try not to let myself spiral down the rabbit hole.

    This site has been such a wonderful help for me. I check it every day. If you get tempted to Google, come read stories here instead!



  • Thank you for your support and kind words! I'm scared and lonely so I will be sure to take your advice and check-in regularly as I go through this again. Take Care!

  • Hi there ,

    Firstly I’d like to welcome you to the Macmillan online community although I’m so sorry you’ve had the need to find us & to hear of your possible recurrence.

    Although not recently we have had a few members through the site that have had APR surgery although I’m not sure which members are still active here. We have the search tool in the top right hand corner of this page that you could possibly use to search ‘APR surgery’ ’for others experiences of this. I’m not sure if  , i or  are still active here but I’m hoping someone will contact you that has experience of this surgery as speaking with someone that’s been through it often debunks a lot of the myths out there & although I appreciate it is major surgery if you can speak with someone that’s out there living their life again post surgery hopefully it’ll make you feel a little less anxious if it’s decided that this is the way forward for you.

    Wishing you all the very best of luck with your biopsy on Monday & we’re always here to offer support whenever you need us. 


  • Good morning,  you are not alone and I’m sorry to hear your story. I had my surgery in October 2018 for Rectal cancer and my surgeon considered this was the best form of action so I was spared the radio chemo route. I was very active prior to and this came as a huge shock with all the feelings you are experiencing. Don’t despair, the Macmillan community is amazing and helped me approach my surgery positively.Speaking to my medical team was a huge help too as the Cancer nurses were always at the end of a phone and happy to answer any questions.  I was able to look beyond the surgery and see it as a positive outcome and I hope you can too.  Almost 4 years later I am happy and still active even though I have a stoma. My experience has made me even more determined to make the most of every day. Tap on my name if you wish to see my profile. Do keep in touch with us. 

  • Thank you so much for your input , I hope you didn’t mind me tagging you, your support is very much appreciated. 


  • Hi there. Not sure where this post is going to appear in the thread! I was trying to post a new comment at the end and seemed to get stuck here!  I’m so sorry you find yourself going through this Fingers crossed tone1e.  I had chemo radiation at the end of 2015 and everything was fine until the consultant found a small lump in September 2017 which turned out to be a reoccurrence.  Like you , I’d had no symptoms and was completely gobsmacked and terrified.  The thought of an APR was immensely scary but with the consultant’s very clear advice, I accepted that it had to be done.  The stoma nurses were really supportive beforehand to help me prepare and great afterwards, so they should be a great source of strength for you.  I had my op in December 2017.  It seems daunting but doesn’t take too long to adapt and there are useful sites/ forums to help with that.  But so far, coming up for 4 years down the line, I’ve had no reoccurrence (although this year’s annual scans on Thursday, yikes Fingers crossed tone1). You may hopefully still find out that yours isn’t a reoccurrence but like with the original course of treatment, if APR is the way forward, I’m sure you’ll find reserves of strength that you probably didn’t realise you had! X

  • Thank you Ewok for sharing your story! It's giving me hope!

  • Thank you so much Caddie2011 for sharing your story! You have lifted my spirits. I'm keeping you in my thoughts!

  • Thank you so much for your support on this thread , your input really is invaluable to those facing APR surgery, as with Ewok I hope you didn’t mind me tagging you.
