Inspirational feedback

  • 6 replies
  • 38 subscribers

Just a quick one for all you newbies. Words of encouragement from a been there, done that and quickly whipped off the poo stained t shirt (sorry couldn't resist). Well, it's the six week holiday break up from School which means 'Miss' aka me is also on a 6 week break from work yipee... I may sound like I'm bragging...over enthusiastically happy and maybe downright disrespectful talking like this on a website designated to cancer patients but hey, I'm still one too until my Oncologist says I'm not. This time last year I was only dreaming about getting back to work, I'd be seeing a hypnotherapist to help me with depression and I could barely walk.  I don't know what the future holds but I have 3 months until my next hospital visit and looking forward to not having to get up at the crack of dawn for work but thankfully I'm here and well enough to do so. Hang in there and never, never ever give up. One day at a time, even one hour at a time xxx Marie 

  • Hi  it’s lovely to hear you’re doing so well. How far you’ve come since those dark days. Thank you for posting, this gives so much hope to other members of our group. Enjoy your summer break! Bev. X

  • Hi , great to hear your good news delivered with your unique poo-flavoured wit.  I’ll be smiling about it all dayBlush

    Enjoy your summer break  xxx  Toni 

  • This is wonderful to hear! I'm 3 months post-treatment and some days it feels as if I'll never get my energy and joi de vivre back. But there are more good days than even a month ago!

  • Hello Mecca what a lovely post. It’s always good to have positives on here. I am just over a year post treatment and now walking 5 miles most days. Can remember only a few months ago I would get so tired. We have to keep pushing ourselves to gain more stamina. I wish you well and all those who are pre or post treatment

  • Hi , it’s great to hear you’re doing so well so thank you for the update. I’ve mentioned before how important posts like yours are in offering hope & encouragement to those that aren’t quite as far down the line or those that have just been diagnosed. Enjoy the 6 weeks holidays, recharge & enjoy doing lots of things that make you happy. 


  • Hi Mecca,

    Thanks for taking the time to give words of encouragement to newbies like myself - half way through my 28 days and on the downhill slope now! BlushBlush 

    I was feeling down today and irritated at anything but a trip to hairdressers tonight as lifted my mood! Thought i'd better get while I could still sit down!Heart eyes

    Now your post has boosted me even more and I will hang on in there and look forward to whipping my poo stained t-shirt off!

    Have a fab summer break you deserve it xx Carole