Finished treatment

  • 9 replies
  • 37 subscribers

so I’ve finished my treatment this week, 28 days of chemo tablets and radiotherapy 

to say I’m sore is an understatement, but I’ve been given slow release morphine tablets and oramorph as well as some cream that I couldn’t use during treatment due to it containing silver 

I understand the next couple of weeks will get worse but im prepared for it mentally if not physically 

just wanted to update on where I’m at right now 

  • Thanks for the update, Pooh, been thinking about you! I"m glad you've got good pain meds. Not sure what more one can do to prepare, but it sounds as if you're ready. You got this!

  • Hi Poobear, 

    Sorry to hear you are sore, are you have Epsom salt baths everyday, I had them everyday through my treatment up until a couple of weeks after,  I used the one for Dry skin psoriasis and eczema, I was not sore down there at all other than 1 small area at the top of my bum, which went as quick as it came, hope things don’t get any worse than what they already are, speedy recovery Heart️‍ 

    take care 


  • Hi ,

    Thanks for the update & congratulations on getting through your treatment. I know you are pretty uncomfortable by the end but isn’t it a great feeling not having to make those daily trips to the hospital? It’s good that you’ve got some pain relief on hand should you need it but just a bit of advice, opiate based painkillers tend to slow everything down & can cause constipation therefore make sure you have some Movicol, Laxido or the like in just in case. Be kind to yourself over the coming weeks & listen to your body, rest when you need to & give yourself lots of TLC. 


  • Hey Pooh,

    Congrats on finishing treatments!  It sounds like you have a great start to recovery, and coping with the next couple of weeks, especially.  I also used Epsom salts baths twice daily, and I used Miaderm, coconut oil, and/or aloe vera gel to soothe the sore skin.  Sometimes I layered a couple of those.  Miaderm was expensive, but it did work well.  Compared to what I’ve heard from many, I think my experience through radiation was pretty mild.  I hope the same for you!!

    For me, I felt the discomfort more emotionally—in the form of anxiety and worrying about every sensation, bowel movement, pain, etc.  My radiation oncologist told me that the intestinal mucosa changes sometimes up to 18 months, so these strange sensations, some mucous in bms, and occasional pain are normal, and in fact expected, especially so soon after treatment.

    Hang in there!


  • Thanks, there is a lot of mucus but was told it’s normal , my pain relief is working for now but I find that the pads I’m having to use are sticking so every time I go to the toilet they are pulling and making my skin bleed , I was given some pads and some pink foam stuff from hospital but not sure what m supposed to do with the pink thing and the pads again just stick so no difference to what I’m using 

    Do Epsom salts not hurt ? Never used them before 

  • Epsom salts were never painful for me at all, and were  especially soothing in warm water.  They’re not actually a sodium chloride product, so they don’t feel like regular salt water on raw skin.  I believe they’re a magnesium salt(?), though I don’t know the exact chemical composition.

    I didn’t receive any pads or a pink foam anything, but I’m in the U.S., so maybe the post treatment protocol is different.  Maybe if you try an “approved” slippery cream, the pads won’t stick so much?  Maybe your medical team has heard of this pad-sticking problem and have some ideas.  I can’t imagine how painful (and frustrating at the bleeding) that would be to be pulling off a stuck pad regularly!

    Sending good thoughts your way!


    **edited “we’re” to “were”

  • Hi Friends,

    I’m not sure what happened, but I had a connection problem and when the page reloaded, there was a message that looked like I’d flagged someone’s post to the moderator!  I absolutely did NOT intend to flag anyone’s post to the moderator, but it’s possible that as I was trying to get the page reloaded, I accidentally swiped something that flagged a post.  I looked and looked to figure out if that actually happened, but I don’t see any indication of that in my profile or on the screen.

    Anyway, no, no intention to flag a post in this thread!  I’m sorry if that happened!


  • I had the same thing , must have been a glitch xx

  • Hi , don’t worry about accidentally flagging a post, it happens, our moderators are very good at spotting a mistakenly flagged post opposed to something they need to take seriously. 
