Weight gain

  • 6 replies
  • 35 subscribers

Finished treatment chemo radiation 8 weeks ago I am getting there have gone to gym but very unfit and no strength. I have gained a stone in weight cannot stop eating maybe it's comfort eating any tips it's making me sad I am trying not worry about my scan coming up but it's difficult not to 

  • Hi ,

    It’s still pretty early days for you in your recovery so try not to put too much pressure on yourself, your body has been to hell & back, it’s been bombarded with 2 really toxic lines of treatment so try & be patient & above all be kind to yourself, you will get there. I found it took  quite a while to build my stamina back up after treatment had finished, going to work part time & walking the dog for around 45 minutes was all I could deal with for quite some time. I would really try not to worry too much about your weight right now, just nourish your body with good quality food to aid your healing. It’s only natural that you’re going to worry about your upcoming scans especially with it being the first following your treatment, I remember being on pins, I think anyone that says they’re no worried at the prospect aren’t being completely honest, scanxiety is real believe me, 


  • I completely agree with Nicola - be kind to yourself!  I am finished my treatment early March and still have no strength.  Well done in going to the gym, at eight weeks out I couldn't have imagined that.  You have my sympathy, scans are always a huge worry, and are for everyone going through cancer treatment.  I hope everything goes well for you, please let us know how you get on. x

  • I will my plans knocked back finally caught the COVID confined to house for 6 days it's like a bad cold could have been worse 

  • Hope your feeling better soon .


  • Thanks I am lucky to have avoided it for so long  it's better it happen now instead off before my scan which is at start off August