Here we go again!!!

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  • 38 subscribers

2 years down the line and I have had possibly the worst day ever.  My aunt died this morning and then had the results of biopsy back - pre-cancerous cells.  Superb! Peri-anal again, I thought this crap was over with. Multi-team meeting this week and investigatory surgery booked for next week.  Honestly, this is just A LOT right now.  The feelings of dread and fear knowing what may be about to happen.  Do they do radio therapy twice in the same area?  I can feel a peri-anal lump, would they just whack it off with a knife?  I feel like doing it myself at the moment!!!  

  • Dear  I’m so sorry. What a day for you! Firstly my sincere condolences for the loss of your aunt. You must be feeling overwhelmed right now. I’m not sure what the protocol is for a return in the same area. I imagine it would depend if it’s the same type again etc. Fingers crossed you get a quick result and therefore quick treatment. Please keep us posted.  
    Thinking of you.

    Best wishes PPR x 

  • Hi Midlands20

    I’m interested to know how things went for you, if you’d like to share. 
    I am 6 months post treatment and they have found some abnormal cells on the first MRI scan. I’m being referred for biopsy again. Do they treat you twice? So many questions!

    Sorry for your loss of your aunt. It never rains but it pours doesn’t it. 

    Best wishes x

  •  Hello, hope you are well.  Been referred to specialist in London, before removal of anus and colostomy.  Which I won’t have done, I could not live with that.  Dark times. 

  • Hi, thank you for sharing. This is also my worst fear. I am dreading the results of the biopsy. I know that’s what they’re going to say. It was written all over his face.  I have even booked a holiday quickly so that I can enjoy one last bikini sunbathe! It fills me with dread. I can’t stand the comments already. You’ll be fine, people live with them and carry out a normal life, you’ll be alive and well etc.  I’m struggling with the unknown so goodness knows what you’re going through. Indeed, dark times. I hope you find a way forward. My thoughts are with you.

  • Hi, I'm 43 years old and was advised that I would need a colostomy prior to starting my treatment. I had the op the middle of January. I don't like it but it doesn't give me any problems at all. People knew I had it done and to be honest I think people have completely forgot about it. I'm just starting know after treatment going out etc. Whilst I don't like having  it and wish it wasn't here, it dienst cause me any problems at all. Please don't dismiss it and ask me any questions about it please xx

  • Please have a look at my reply to Midlands. If you have any questions then please message me. It's not the end of the world having a colostomy xx

  • Hi, when I was diagnosed with anal cancer, the tumour was  stopping me going to the toilet and they told me I needed a colostomy, I completely refused to have one, however it was explained I really need one as if I don’t, I won’t be able to pass poo but also it would help when going through my treatment, I had it done last December, yes it’s reversible but they told me I would have it at least a year.

    Thd first week was horrible, I didn’t want to  look at it or even touch it but I needed to learn to look after it so I could go home, a couple of day of having to deal with it at home on my own I got use to it, I never thought I would say this but it’s the best thing iv had done, iv always had problems with  my bowels and having this just takes all that away. I was told if the cancer hasn’t gone I would need to have the op and so I would have the colostomy for life, which I’m not to keen on however if it means I live then I would rather have the colostomy than die.

     Lots of love Laura & Dirty Girty  yes iv given her a name x x

  • Hi Watto78

    Thank you. I know. I would have one if required. I’m being over dramatic. It’s just the one thing I didn’t want to happen. Anything but that, you know. I’m sure I would try and embrace it. I may take you up on your offer of any questions. Thanks for your support xx

  • Not happening.  It’s too scary for me to contemplate.  

  • Hi ,

    I’m really sorry you’re going through this right now. I was told before entering into my treatment that should there be a recurrence then the next step would be APR surgery as you can’t have radiotherapy to the same area again. It’s a choice that is very personal to each & every one of us although there’s many that live full & active lives with colostomy’s. I hope that your appointment comes through quickly so that you have some clarity on your situation & the choices available to you. Thinking of you. 
