Anal Cancer

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  • 36 subscribers

Hi, I'm Valentine and I was diagnosed with anal cancer in July.  I received chemoradiation  for 28 working days but by the third week I came up in a very itchy rash so had to be taken off the chemo drugs.

After the radiotherapy was over, I developed a pain in my pelvis   so I was admitted to hospital where it was discovered I had fractured my sacrum!!  I remained in hospital  through Christmas and the New Year.  I was in Southampton General for over a month.

The family and professionals could not have been kinder or more efficient.

I am now at home doing physio exercises and increasing  my walking distance  each day.  However, I now have a pain in my rib/back.

Has anyone else experienced pains during recovery?

I look forward to hearing from others in a similar situation..  It is scary!!

  • Hi valentine

    i am sure I was going through treatment with you denise if I’ve got the right lady   Hope things are getting better for you   I’m suffering back pain and can’t walk very far until I have to rest  or have a sleep totally done in after just going to the supermarket.  Still feel I’ll if I drink plain water lol hated having to do that.  But I’m am getting there slowly I had very severe reaction to the radiation which took 7/8 weeks to heal I hope you start to feel better soon and take care xxx

  • Hi ,

    Previously I’ve also been checked for fractures to my coccyx & pelvis as I’ve suffered pain in my hips, pelvis & lower back since my treatment in 2018, luckily enough no fractures were found & the pain has improved somewhat over time although my left hip won’t improve as that’s osteoarthritis. I’ll be forever grateful for the treatment I’ve had although it definitely can leave some damage behind, I always mention any aches & pains to my consultant at my review appointments just so that they’re on the record. I hope you’re feeling better soon. 

    it’s good to hear you’re recovering, although it seems slow you’ll get there, the fatigue was a biggy for me & like you I found I had to do a bit & rest a bit. 


  • Hello , I just had a pelvic xray yesteday as I’ve had hip pain (and a bit of back pain)  that has been increasingly getting worse since treatment finished. Started on right side but now left has joined in. My onco did tell me this is often a side effect of the targeted radiation treatment we have. Hoping that its not bone necrosis / fractures and that it won’t need anything done to it if we can stop it getting worse. 

    Can I ask what your pain was like and your symptoms?

    Many thanks

    PPR xx 

  • Hi PPR,  My fracture would seem to have been caused by intensive radiation as I didn't fall but my bone density was pretty *c****. 

    The fracture seemed to grow over a few days to the extent that I had to commando crawl to the loo!  I can only describe the pain at its worse was similar to the chronic cramp you can get  in bed at night but it doesn't go away.  I was rushed to hospital where a scan revealed what was amiss.  In some ways I was relieved as I thought the pain was cancer related. I was put on some heavy opiate based drugs and over the next 12 weeks the fracture, with the aid of a good physio, mended.  I hope you haven't sustained a fracture but if the pain gets worse, I suggest you ask for a scan.   

    The only things that controlled the pain were drugs.

    I hope the pain improves and you haven't sustained a fracture.

    Cheers, Valentine  xx

  • Thank you , I’m so sorry you were in such pain. I hope the rib thing is sorted out soon for you too! 

    My doctor organised the X-ray as a first port of call then we can see what that shows and get a scan if required. Coincidentally the last couple of days it’s been better, isn’t it always the way! Previously it had started with stiffness and ache and the progress to the hip just not working when I stood up. I had to wriggle about a bit to get in place before I could set off and walk! Lots of clicking going on and then it really started a constant ache/pain. Waking me up at night etc. However I don’t think it can be nearly as bad as you, poor thing having to spend a month in hospital! 

    I suspect they will say it’s a bit of bone damage from radiations and osteoarthritis (like ) -  I have that in my neck and creeping down into my shoulder now. I’m only 52, but sometimes it feels more like 72! Slight smile

    Wishing you all the best and many thanks for the info both! 

    PPR xx

  • Hi  I have had issues with hip pain and sciatica too after treatment. A scan showed nothing amiss. The pain comes and goes but in the last few days the hip pain has come back with a vengeance. Like you I’m on HRT. I wondered how you are finding this? I started about 4 weeks ago and it eased the overall joint pain in my shoulders, elbows etc so a bit disappointed the hip pain is back. When I first started I had awful period pains so I reduced the oestrogen gel dose and they went. Has the HRT made any difference to you do you think? Bev x

  • Hi Bev , I started my HRT back in Oct or thereabouts. It has taken until the last month to really kick in and now I feel great in that respect. Which type do you have? I have the body identical HRT oestrogen gel too and Utrogestan.  I haven’t had a period since my treatment as the radiotherapy nuked my ovaries too! Do you take the Utrogestan too or do you have a coil? Different types of progesterone might be worth trying? And. /or increasing dose of gel. I started 2 pumps in the morning then increased to 2 pumps morn and 2 pumps evening and now I’ve come back down to two in morning and just one at night.  I’d say it’s def worth persevering with it. You just have to find the right dose.  

    I wonder if the collagen I’ve just recently started has helped my aches and pains? I’d heard lots about it’s effectiveness for joints so I started just over a week ago and now I’m almost pain free. I’ve also been walking everyday for at least an hour or so. To build up muscle tone as I’ve been a bit rubbish. I bought the Vital Proteins Collagen which has a lot of good reviews and on advise of Dr Louise Newson (HRT specialist) have started high dose Vitamin D which she advocates for joints and pain too. Now that the pain is better and I’m much less stiff I’ll try going back to some gentle Pilates or hot yoga (really helps the joints). 

    Should get xray results on Monday so will keep you posted  

    Hoping you feel better soo too! Xx 

  • Hello PPR,

    I'm sorry to hear you, are suffering with your Joints and particularly your Bones. I was told this week that Radiotherapy

    Damage  my  bones  which shocked me,but I am under the Bone clinic at Llandough and have been for 5 years,for Osteoperosis,and My bones are very strong now.I self inject twice a year,so I really hope the Treatment won,t cause Damage to them..

    Anyway why not  ask your GP. To refer you to the Bone clinic, They are fantastic. I Hope you feel better soon.x

  • Hi thanks for the tip about the collagen, I will look into that, am already taking quite a high dose of vitamin D. The oestrogen gel I have is Oestrogel, x2 pumps in an evening and x1 100mg Utrogestan (progesterone) capsule at night. This is a natural rather than synthetic form of progesterone as you probably already know. I was a bit concerned about starting HRT but found the Louise Newsome site and the documentary of Davina McCall's very helpful.   Also considering trying yoga.  I do think my joint issues are a combination of the radiotherapy effects and loss of oestrogen due to the menopause. I hadn't realised what a huge effect the loss of oestrogen can have on our joints.   Let us know how you get on with your x-ray results. Bev x

  • Hi   thanks for this suggestion, it's useful to know this is an option.  Bev x