I'm back!

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  • 35 subscribers

Well, my dears it seems after my Oncologist visit today I may be joining the 'fold' again soon! I was feeling so positive this time but it seems there is after examination a site  sub normal or words to that effect (shock usually dulls my memory). ASAP appointment with my surgeon and endoscopy with biopsies!! I'm soooooo blinking shocked because I was so sure I'd be getting a big fat positive! Anyway who knows! I feel so sorry for you having me back...mixture of being needy and my wierd dry sense of humour again. Aww and my bloody dream job... who knows...maybe dreams can come true and I'm posting it's my scar tissues best mate come to visit. I'm at work tomorrow and want to get sloshed but I can't plus I'm a cryer and will have to keep that under control for 2days WTF. XXX

  • Hi  good to hear from you although I’m sorry you find yourself in this position. Nothing like a curved ball to knock you off your feet is there? Let’s keep everything crossed it turns out to be nothing sinister. I hope you get that appointment through very quickly. You’re extremely good not drinking on a school night! Probably for the best though, I find it makes me too emotional sometimes Bev x

  • Hi again , fingers crossed as you say it may just be scar tissue which when you think of the damage that can be done to our skin by the radiotherapy it’s feasible. Honestly you think you get back on an even keel, your post the other day was so positive then you’re thrown a curve ball that up-skittles you again! I hope your appointment comes through quickly & it’s found to be nothing sinister. I’m sending lots of positive thoughts your way & hoping you can put this hiccup to bed quickly. You know where we are should you need the support while you’re waiting for tests, results etc. 


  • Aww, thank you. Honestly I was dreading going into work next day because I was worrying about breaking down and showing myself up (crying and stuff) but I've had a brilliant 2 days and haven't laughed so much in ages!! I have the best job in the world and work with the most wonderful people. They asked me how things went ( I'll be working at the same place but agency at the moment and higher job ifI don't l ose it because of this. I just said just routine tests!! At the moment, probably because of my lovely 2 days I'm coping great but it's half term so I've got a week off and maybe the 'dark thoughts' will rear their ugly heads' I hope not. Wow, how brave were told we have to be haha. My other half was waiting in the car for me and after I told him my bad news he asked me if I fancied a fish shop... bloody hell!! I hate him with a vengeance at the moment. Anyway I hope I don't have to wait too long xxxx Marie 

  • Hello Marie , I’m so very sorry to hear your news. That must be quite a shock. Keeping all crossed for you and glad that it’s been picked up promptly and wheels in motion. Keep us posted and here for you when you need us xx