Two weeks in and feeling rough

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  • 34 subscribers

Hi everyone, just wondered if anyone could relate? I never thought it was  going to be easy but I must admit I did kind of think the beginning might not be so bad...more the end of treatment . I just feel tired and sick and basically just rubbish at the moment, it’s not all the time, I am still ok to potter about the house doing bits and bobs , cook ,clean etc it’s just I can’t do it for long before I’m horizontal again! Did any of you feel like this? Xx

  • Hi Alaskita after treatment I know the first few weeks people tend to recover at different rates. Some turn the corner within the first two weeks post treatment but it took me at least four weeks to be able to venture outside to a shop. I was hit with bouts of fatigue then that passed, then painful hips and one leg then that passed. I am eight months post treatment and due to visit a late effects clinic as I have a temperamental bowel but convinced that is due to certain foods. It does get better I think for most of us and we just become gentle to our bodies resting when it wants and moving when it should. I have no pain to worry about and considering what we go through it is a blessing. I hope you soon start to feel yourself again

  • Hi everyone has such different reactions to treatment. Some suffer from side effects almost straightaway unfortunately. I began to feel very nauseous two days in and took the anti-sickness tablets Metoclopramide constantly-this really helped. The nausea passed after week one. After treatment had ended the nausea returned just for a couple of weeks and then disappeared again.  Are you taking any anti-sickness meds? If you are and they are not working please let your treating team know, there are other anti-sickness meds that you can try.   Tiredness seems to be a universal symptom of the treatment and no wonder. It is extremely powerful treatment and being tired is your body's way of making you aware not to overdo things.  I spent quite a lot of time napping in between pottering around the house like you are. Sleeping is very healing for your body.  Rest assured what you're feeling now is completely normal.  Bev  x 

  • Thanks Bev that’s so reassuring to hear. I am taking anti sickness meds the metclopramide I was taking 3 times a day but i found it wasn’t enough so I spoke to my oncologist and she prescribed tablets aswell. I think I need to take them even if I think I don’t need them that’s the key. I think it’s  a case of taking each day at a time isn’t it. Thanks again x