Long winded

  • 10 replies
  • 35 subscribers

Hi all, 

Just want to introduce myself. I am seeing my oncologist on Tuesday to hopefully get a treat ment plan. It's been a long time coming. I went to the Drs the start of October with a swollen lymph node in my groin. Drs are great and sent me for a scan. This was then followed up with a appointment with a haematologist. He said the scan showed a swollen lymph node and ordered biopsy, ct and mri scan. On the 19th November (my birthday ) he rang me and said that the the biopsy had shown hpv and that he had made an appointment with a gynacologist. 22nd Nov in had an internal and the my cervix was clear but they found a mass in my vagina wall. They biopsied this and I also mentioned that I also had pressure in my bum and if this was related. I had been to the Drs in April 2021 with bleeding from my bum and was diagnosed with piles. They ordered a pet scan and also sent me to the colorectal team the following week. They done an internal exam and found a mass also in my anal canal.  I went back in the 6th December expecting to be given a treatment plan however they needed to do another biopsy in my anal mass to make sure it was the same cancer. This was done on the 10th December under a general. The mdt meeting was in the middle of December and was decided that they would create a stoma and I had  a colostomy on the 13th jan. Can anyone tell me what to expect from my first appointment with the oncologist and what else is there to do prior to starting treatment? Thank you for reading

  • Hi Watts,  I know how difficult this is, it’s the wating, and the concern that the cancer is continuing to grow while all this time is elapsing.

    I just had my meeting with my oncologist on Monday passed for anal cancer mines is at the bottom of my anal canal. 

    Before the meeting I thought i would be starting my treatment this week, what a shock I got that’s its not until the 21/02/22, which was another 3.5 weeks away, I said I was shocked at how long this is all taking and I wanted in noted in my notes of this. 

    Anyway I got my treatment plan through last week to. Tomorrow 31/01/2022 I got for a CT3 with the radiology department so the can target were the radiation is to be given, than another meeting with my consultant. Then start of treatment 21/02/22 in hospital for I week, Chemo/ radiation, then 3.5 weeks of radiation treatment as an outpatient, then back in hospital again for 1 week Chemo/radiation. 

    I original went to the doctors 23/11/2021 the urgent referral, MRI, CT xRay PT, biopsy under general anaesthetic. I just feel, 3 months waiting is totally unacceptable. I don’t know how long others have waited. 

    Louise xxx

  • Hi Louise, thanks for getting back to me. Mine seemed to be going quickly but then all of a sudden its slowed down. I was thinking it wouldn't be straight away. The waiting has always been the worse. Wish you loads of luck and look forward to following your journey. I'll hopefully not be far behind you x

  • Hi ,

    Firstly welcome to the Macmillan online community although I’m really sorry that you’ve had the need to find us. 

    You’ve mentioned the lymph node biopsy showed up HPV? Quite a high percentage of Anal cancers are HPV related although not all, I’m still not aware whether mine was HPV related or not to be honest, nobody has offered up this information & I keep forgetting to ask! 

    There’ll be a lot of information to take in at your first oncology appointment, treatment options will be discussed & you’ll possibly be asked to sign consent forms to go ahead with the best course of treatment. I would think your treatment plan will be chemoradiotherapy, most of us here have been through this treatment, for this to take place you’ll need a planning scan to map where the radiotherapy should be directed as it’s a very precise science! You will possibly be given a date for your planning scan during this appointment. Once I’d had my planning scan it was around 2 weeks until I began my treatment although this was back in 2018, pre-pandemic. The chemo side of the treatment can vary a little from hospital to hospital, personally I had a short infusion of Mitomycin on day 1 of treatment then capecitabine tablets twice a day each day of radiotherapy thereafter, radiotherapy was Monday-Friday with weekends off all treatments. I had 23 days of chemoradiotherapy although the standard is usually 28. Please don’t be afraid to ask questions here there’s many of us that have gone through treatment & are through the other side & we have lots of hints, tips & support to offer. 


  • The protocol is pretty standard but depends on whether or not your two locations are the same.  The biopsy will tell them.  They can do a genetic profile of the biopsy material.  I recommend Foundation Medical for a full work up.  Your doctor would have to send a biopsy to them and they will do the analysis. (They don't force patients to pay.)   The radiology treatment is very effective, though the side effects for me were painful toward the end and I have some long term affects. F4 was my chemo, and I had a pump with a port.  I brought the pump home and had it for 4 days.  Different doctors will have different treatments. I see the chief oncologist at stanford who was on the committee who wrote the protocol for treatment.  THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS FOR YOU TO BE YOUR OWN ADVOCATE AND PUSH FOR THE TREATMENT, FREQUENT SCANS AS FOLLOW UP, ETC.  Some institutions are conservative.  Ask a lot of questions. I'm almost 3 years in remission.  .

  • Thank you for the info Nicola. It seems its only the chemonthat differs. Hopefully I will find out today

  • Congratulations on being 3 years in remission. I'll hopefully find out today what my treatment plan is. Thank you for the info

  • Hi thinking of you today xxxx

  • Thank you. Got my treatment plan but will be a few weeks before either starts yet as have to still have the scans to see where to target. I'll be having the first chemo infusion then the rest in tablet form. And 28 days of radiation. Hoe are you getting on? X

  • Hi I’ve had my CT3 scan to plan the radiotherapy, the nurse said i will have to come back for a short visit befor I start my treatments, just to check the target radiation plan is correct. 

    Start my treatment on the 21/02/2022 stay in hospital for 1 week cemo/radiation, then radiation then last week 8n hospital again cemo/radiation. In a lot of pain just now, up my back, and down I left leg in my bum.

    This whole process is taking far to long, I feel as though my life is in the hands of the NHS im not in control of anything. it’s taking far to long I feel. 

    Start treatment 21/02/2022 finish 30/03/2022.

    How are you feeling? 

    My big concern is the cancer is spreading with all this waiting. What do you feel about this? 

    I hate myself for feeling like this. 

    Louise xxxx 

  • Hi 1996

    it sounds like your wait times are pretty standard to me. I know though, that everything feels like a lifetime and you’ll be worrying that it’s growing all the while. Our cancer tends to be slow growing I believe. They suspect mine was there for two years! I’m always in control and my life is quite structured/ocd ish! This goes right out the window now, I’m sorry to say.  You are in their hands and they will be amazing. Understandably, if you’re not happy, you need to say, but you’re not being delayed by the sounds of it. 

    I hope this helps to reassure you a little. Best wishes.