NM Whole Body PET/CT FDG Scan ( is this done automatically when you have Anal cancer)

  • 6 replies
  • 35 subscribers

Hi everyone, this web page is wonderful to ask question that need answered. 

Today 08/01/2022I received a letter to go for a ( NM whole Body PET/CT FDG Scan.) 

ive already had my MRI and CT, biopsy and bloods, the consultant has yet to confirm I have rectal cancer.  However she did say to me prior to my colonoscopy biopsy on the 29/12/2021 that my CT and MRI scans were clear and it had not spread.

I had my biopsy on the 29th December CT/ MRI all within 10 days.

getting this letter today kind of knocked me back a bit, my consultant said that she would get my results from the biopsy on the 05/01/2022 I’ve not heard from her as yet. 

Could anyone confirm if they had a whole body PET before they got there results or started there treatment. 

Louise Edinburgh Scotland.  

  • Hi there Louise (),

    Firstly welcome to the Macmillan online community although I’m really sorry that you’ve had the need to find us. 

    Try not to panic too much (easy to say I know!) but protocol can vary from hospital to hospital even consultant to consultant. Personally I only had CT & MRI scans prior to a treatment plan being put in place but I am aware others have had PET scans also.

    If you haven’t heard from your consultant on Monday then give her secretary a call, or if you’ve been assigned a specialist nurse you could call her/him & chase up those biopsy results. The way the hospitals have been throughout the pandemic I think you have to be pretty proactive in chasing things up. 

    I hope that reassures you a little although I know you’re right at the beginning of all of this & it’s a huge shock to your system to be given this news. We’re here if you have any questions or if you just need someone to talk to that’s been in a similar situation to yourself, the support from our lovely members here is great. 


  • Hi Louise,

    I’m so sorry that you’re recieved this diagnosis, I have to say I found the pre treatment investigation  stage the hardest time, your mind spins totally out if control !

    It is four months  since I completed  treatment and I was told prior to starting that a full body PET scan was a normal routine test along wirh CT, MRI, colonoscopy & biopsy prior to trestment planning ( I asked the very same question  as you  have)  Hope that helps to reassure you!

    Sue x

  • Hi Sue, thank you so so much for speaking to me, it’s put my mind at rest a little.

    how are you doing just now? 

    Im desperately trying to stay positive, each day, hour is completely different, the mind is so powerfull.

    louise xxx

  • Oh Louise I totally understand your turmoil and I am truly sorry, as I said earlier for me it was the worst part of the journey, the not knowing is horrendous xx Once you have all your results you will, hopefully find it easier to focus knowing what you are dealing with !

    You’lll find a lot of your queries, concerns  & fears have been experienced by all of us here so a good site to turn to for help & advice . 

    I’m doing OK thankyou, much much better than I was even a few weeks ago, my body tells me it’s been battered but I am improving. 

    I will be keeping you in my thoughts, please let me know how you get on . 

    Sue xx

  • Hi Sue, just had a call from the hospital confirm I have Squmamous Cel Cancer in my Anus. 

    Is this was most anal cancers are? 

  • Hi Louise, sorry for the delay just picking this message up ! Firstly, I’m really sorry to hear this, I know it’s a lot to take in! As far as I’m aware, yes, I think most of us have or had squamous cell carcinoma, that was my diagnosis too. Hopefully you will be seen very soon and your treatment plan explained to you .. most posts on this site will be applicable but just to say I can remenber being the most anxious and frightened at your stage than I was at any stage of the journey, once I started treatment I definitely felt more in control . 
    I’m really hopeful that you will get excellent support from your treating team. 
    If I can be of any help/support please  don’t hesitate to message either on here or by PM 

    Sending the warmest hug, 
    Sue xxx