Recurring Fever temperatures

  • 7 replies
  • 35 subscribers

Currently on day #30 (part way through week #5,my final week of radiotherapy). Started having fluctuating temperatures, so had to go to the Emergency Department. They admitted me. Spent 3 1/2 days in hospital in isolation, getting tests.Did chest x-ray, ECG, urine culture, and lots of blood cultures (including using blood samples taken when my temp was peaking). No cultures grew, so no indication of infection. They cancelled my planned Week 5 second round of chemo, but radio is continuing. I've been sent home with Augmentin / antibiotics, but I'm a bit of a wreck - totally exhausted, no appetite, hardly eating. They say the fever is most likely a result of the cancer, not the treatment, which makes me worried this could continue well after treatment is done? Current pattern is two peaks hitting 38 or above - one at around 3 or 4pm, and one late eg 9 / 10pm. Generally temp pretty normal in the morning. Tonight is night #6 in a row. I'm shattered and frustrated. Any insights?

  • Hi 

    It sounds as though you’ve had some pretty thorough tests done when you were admitted to hospital regarding your high temperatures. It’s baffling when they can’t find a reason isn’t it? Although I’ve had no experience of this issue personally, hopefully someone will see your post that have been in a similar situation & be able to share their experience.

    A high temperature can make you feel quite poorly so if you’ve noticed a pattern, times when your temperature is peaking, could you possibly try treating the temperature with paracetamol or similar an hour or so before the peak times to see if that helps at all? I know it’s not a long term solution but it may allow you to get some sleep etc. I really hope the issue is resolved soon & you can begin healing when your treatment ends. 


  • Thanks Nicola. This doesn't seem a common issue. I did a search and the only similar post I could find was from over 7 years ago, and the interaction was quite limited. One suggestion on that old post, was that possibly the tumour breaking down was causing my body to go into a fever?

    Being pre-emptive sounds worth a go -  I do also have some paracetamol / codeine combo tabs -does codeine help with fevers? 

  • Hi again ,

    In my time here I can’t recall anyone posting about this issue but that’s not to say there isn’t someone out there as some members don’t always post some just find their support in reading others posts & the replies.

    I know that codeine helps with pain I’m not sure about fevers though to be honest. I would give paracetamol a go on its own to begin with, because you’ve noticed this pattern you can try to pre-empt the temperature & get on top of it before it kicks off. My GP told me a few years ago when I visited with one of my daughters that paracetamol on average takes around 45 minutes to have an effect so as I say try taking it around an hour before the time your temperature has been peaking. I hope you get some relief. 


  • Hello  I hope you’re feeling a bit better. I had similar experience  post treatment too. We couldn’t work out what was wrong. Saw lots of docs and then just by luck discovered I had a mild pneumonia. No cough or sputum I was totally asymptomatic apart from temp and feeling very unwell hence we hadn’t realised. So do get a chest examination from someone if you can. But they gave me Augmentin too and it worked a treat so if you’ve been taking that then you may already be better. Xx

  • Hey PPR - thanks so much for sharing that. It may have been something similar. They did do a chest x-ray in hospital, and did plenty of blood cultures, but maybe it was flying under the radar? I am improving at last - last two days the fevers have not spiked over 38, so life is feeling much more manageable. I still have pretty much no energy to do anything, but the exhaustion feels less gruelling and painful. 

    If it was an infection, maybe the Augmentin did help kick it? I also met with a helpful (at last) doctor on Friday after over a week of these terrible fevers. She mentioned that, since I have a history of IBS, that's an auto-immune-related condition, so my immune responses maybe be different to the average person (never been told either of those things!). And she said, that with my very low appetite, although I was doing pretty well with drinking and eating fruit and high-calorie snacks like jelly, I was eating no protein (and hadn't for over a week), so my body would be having difficulty repairing and fighting off the fevers - that was SUPER-helpful information! So I've made friends with sardines and chese on toast. 

    So, starting to feel more human again, thank heavens. 

  • So glad to hear you’ve perked up a bit. I had a telling off by nutritionist for the same thing. I was practically living on just a ginger it biscuit each day and even that had to be forced down. You don’t realise how much nutrition plays in a good recovery but it’s so hard when you literally cannot face eating. I found once I started eating again my appetite increased so it worked. In awe of your commitment with sardines though!!!  Keep up the good work! 

  • Thanks PPR. A week further down-the-track and doing reasonably okay. Eating better, though still just very small meals, and 'things on toast' is still about as 'substantial' as I get, but I feel like I'm getting closer to being able to comprehend a 'proper meal' not too far away! Appreciate the support Slight smile