All clear...WOOHOO

  • 10 replies
  • 38 subscribers

I just wanted to share my BRILLIANT news.... I've been to see my Oncologist today and got the results of my scans... ALL CLEAR. After examination he said that he was confident that what is left is scar tissue... I'm soo happy and can't keep still. I just want everyone starting, in the midst and just finished the journey that there is light at the end of the tunnel and dreams do come true. I'm off to celebrate now and hopefully be drunk by tea time Yahoo xxx Marie 

  • Hi Mecca

    Wonderful news. I am so pleased for you. It makes it all worthwhile to hear this. Enjoy your celebrations

    Serena x

  • Thank you Serena. I can't wait for you to share good news too xxx Marie 

  • Hi  that’s great news! Thanks for sharing, it really does help others on here to hear how successful the treatment is. Happy hangover! Bev x

  • Hi Mecca, I would love to hear your story, did you do chemo?  I just wanted to hear positive success stories, my tumour has grown back 3rd time but never had chemo.  Only done natural/radiotherapy.  7 years in survivor.  Well done, i love a good news story xxx

  • Hi Mecca, that's fantastic news. I'm just at the start of my cancer journey. I've been told I'm terminal but I'm absolutely determined to beat it. One day I want to be posting something like you haveHeart I'm so so pleased for you Heart

  • Hi! Love this!! Thanks for sharing, I’m just starting my journey, on second week now and finding it a bit tough to be honest so hearing your great news is so encouraging! Hope the hangover wasn’t too bad ! Xx

  • Hi Horse girl,  I'm sorry that you're having to deal with this again. I had 28 sessions of Chemoradiotherapy. This was over a period of 5 1/2 weeks. I can't say it was easy and I did seem to get hit with some nasty side effects but I just had to focus on the day in hand. It took a while to get my strength to a point where I wanted to start getting some of my life back again so in October I eased back into work. Again it wasn't easy I was absolutely exhausted when I got home but I was sensible by starting with 2 days, progressing to 3...... I'm now back full time and just got a new job that has been a goal of mine for many years. I did suffer very badly with negative thoughts and found that some sessions of hypnotherapy offered by my hospital helped me. I set myself achievable goals and this gives me confidence when I achieve them and onto anouther. I wish you all the very best and your treatment is a success and I will watch for your posts and be there cheering you on. Ask me anything, I've been there and got the tshirt and nothing embarrasses me anymore... well, maybe going out with no makeup on. That's anouther thing I did, no matter how terrible I felt I dressed to impress for my hospital visits this gave me something to focus on and put the days thoughts of treatment to one side for a little while xxxx

  • Hi there ,

    It’s great to see you back & even better to hear that you’re doing so well. Onwards & upwards eh? 


  • Hi Nicola, thank you. I have my 3 monthly Oncologist appointment on Wednesday but no tears this time Muscle. Thank you for all your support you were always there when I needed you xxx

  • I know it wasn’t all smooth sailing for you  so I can’t tell you how good it was to read your post & to know you’re back to living your life again, oh & huge congratulations on the new job too!! The whole dressing nicely & putting your make-up on for your hospital appointments throughout treatment resonated with me as it’s  exactly what I did too, it made me feel better about the whole situation, I also had a great radiotherapy team & we laughed every day. It was commented on one day how nice I always looked going to my radiotherapy! We do whatever gets us through that period don’t we?… All the very best of luck for Wednesday but I’m sure you’ll smash it, I’ll be thinking of you. 
