Tumour growth

  • 5 replies
  • 36 subscribers

I am waiting for my radiocarbon chemo to start on the 12th .I have had a 6 week wait from diagnosis after being told it was hemmeroids for months.At the camera on the 5th May I was told the tumour was 3cm. However at my appointment this week its now 5cm and protruding. Does ansl cancer grow this quick the build up of blood and mucus o  a morning is pInful and have had to give up delivering as cant walk far now because of rubbing and searing pain that hoes into buttock tje said the tumour T111 Na as lymph node in rectum has it . I'm feeling totally confused as dont know how advanced snd whst to cope with any advice would be appreciated sorry for waffling

For the pain they have given me diazepam which has been a godsend for sleep 

And oxycodone hydrochloride as morphine and tramadol weren't working this has helped but obviously one of the strongest pain killers around despite what I have dealt with in life it is taking all my resolve and alchoholv and pliers coming to look good 

On top of that I only have one kidney as others removed unfortunately near one of sites of lymph node so could lose kidney so all positive evertyone sees me as a fighter and stong but starting to feel vulnerable and and with other problems this is it  

  • Hi ,

    It’s completely natural that you’re feeling vulnerable right now & it’s also ok to be feeling that way so please be kind to yourself. 

    Lots of people report they feel a sense of relief & begin to relax a little once treatment has begun & we have lots of people on this forum that have been diagnosed at all different stages & are testament to this treatment working. 

    The stage that you’re at where you’re waiting to begin treatment is probably the most stressful next to receiving your diagnosis & can be difficult to deal with. Please remember if you’re struggling our helpline is available where you can speak to someone, it sounds as though you could do with a little extra support. 


  • Thank you for your response. My pain has been unbearable and the worst part they have put me on oxycodone hydrochloride which has helped a bit and diazapam has certainly helped bit 6 7 times to the toilet often blood and mucus is painful. Treatment starting on the 12th and hoping it will settle as uncaplble of doing anything writing it down helps and how others cope with it as some of tumour outside with everything I've been through pain nothing like it 

  • So sorry to hear you are in  much pain. I have recently finished treatment for a tumour diagnosed smaller than 3cm. I am waiting for my 6 week follow up and a scan and dont know yet if i am clear.

    Since my treatment ended though  i have felt so much better. Keep positive 

  • That's nice to hear thank you as thehope the pain will go iis my motivation Hope you are clear fingers crossed x

  • Hi Sinbad1965

    I was T3, Nc, M0, and my tumour grew 50% in a 3 week period between MDT and planning scans, and was around 6.5 cm when I went into treatment, so yes, it is fast growing once it takes hold, but also quickly responds to treatment.

    I had been taking painkillers for the tumour pain for a few weeks when I started treatment, but within 5 days, the pain from the tumour stopped.  The treatment works that quickly on the cancer, so hopefully once you start treatment, you will get some relief quickly. The wait to start treatment is hard, but best of luck for next week.