Post treatment oncologist appointment.

  • 4 replies
  • 35 subscribers

Hi everyone,  I've been having a few sleepless nights worrying about my post treatment oncologist appointment next week 26th. I would like to know what to expect so I can prepare myself. I've only seen him once, two weeks before my treatment started and I nicknamed him 'Dr Death'. He's not over friendly and to be honest I had a flashback of a job interview scenario!! Xxx Marie p.s I would truly like to know what happens at these things!

  • Hi Marie, I think you have to be honest with him. You could say you have been feeling anxious about your meeting with him and to be gentle with you as all this has been overwhelming. I think that those who are in a powerful position somewhat forget we carry home this experience and it can cause us to be more worrisome. You want to feel they are on your side don’t you. My  surgeon with my previous hospital before I was transferred came across as a mumbling kind of you didn’t want to know what he did as you wouldn’t understand. Even the hospital I was transferred to did not actually know what he did whether it was a whole excision or biopsy of the abnormal area. I intend to find out as I feel you are entitled to know what is happening. I am never rude knowingly but if I am made to feel uncomfortable I will say in the most polite way. Some people just don’t realise how they come across. Good luck

  • Hi Marie (),

    Even without the the ‘Dr Death’ experience that you were blessed with it’s completely natural to feel apprehensive about upcoming check-ups, I’m 3 years post treatment & still feel nervous before these appointments & I suffer scanxiety too!! 

    I agree with , make your Dr aware of your anxiety surrounding this appointment, the good thing is you should only have to see him once or twice more & then here in the UK if everything is going well you’re usually handed over to surgical care. 

    This first appointment if I remember correctly should consist of a skin check, DRE & a general how you’re doing chat. If it’s any comfort I’m due an MRI the same day so we can feel anxious together.


  • Oh my goodness, I am having so much difficulty getting onto our group! The amount of times I've resonated and posted I'm surprised that you are seeing this 'edited version'. Thank you bc buddies Slight smile what is a DRE and a general? Plus skin check!! Good luck my dear, I'm sending positive vibes xxx Marie 

  • Sorry Marie (), DRE is a digital rectal examination (finger up the bum) Rolling eyes No general lol  just a ‘general how are you doing’ chat as in your Dr should enquire how you’re doing in yourself since your treatment, skin check will be your Dr checking how your skin has healed since the radiotherapy. Hope that clears a few things up for you. Thanks for the positive vibes.
