Skin sensitivity questions

  • 4 replies
  • 35 subscribers

I start treatment on Monday and am trying to prepare as much as I can. Has anyone needed to use a "donut cushion" that holds your perineum and coccyx off of a surface? I'm wondering once the skin issues start if I'll need something like that? Did you stay on your side a lot or are there other ways to manage it?

  • Hi ,

    There are a couple members, if I recall correctly, that have been advised to use pressure cushions during treatment but which ones I can’t quite remember, I think one lady I’m thinking of had hers provided by her hospital. If you click on my username you’ll see that I had surgery first & I used a donut cushion after that as I was really sore, I used it to sit with the rest of the family to eat at the dining table & to drive the car when I had to but to be truthful it wasn’t very comfortable! when I was on the sofa I found it more comfortable to just be on my side. I got mine off Amazon it wasn’t expensive. So I didn’t use the cushion at all during or after treatment, towards the end & the few days after treatment had finished I spent a lot of time in loose clothing & on my side so there was no pressure on the skin.

    The best advice I would give is keep moisturising the skin down there, if you haven’t already you could start now with just a plain aqueous type cream, your radiotherapy team should provide you with creams once you start your treatment on Monday. I was told not to use any creams directly before a radiotherapy session otherwise to keep moisturising, I would lather it on in the changing room straight after my session & again after going to the loo each time & my skin held up pretty well until right at the end when things got sore. It varies from hospital to hospital but the creams you’re provided with usually change as your treatment progresses & depending on the skin reaction you have. Also the skin reaction is cumulative so you don’t all of a sudden feel sore it gradually builds over the course of the treatment & I found it manageable. 

    Hope that helps a little.


  • Hi 62yrold,  I was bought a doughnut cushion as a present by my son but to be honest I was in so much pain because my ac was on the nerves that it made it worse and when I needed or had no choice but to sit up straight I'd try to sit to one side. I could only get relatively comfortable laying on my side and bought myself a memory foam mattress topper for my bed as because I was laying on my side constantly my hips would ache and it helped considerably. Quite early on in my treatment, around the second week the pain of the ac eased dramatically and with the help of painkillers given to me by my nurses I was a lot more comfortable. However the Radiotherapy did cause a gradual sunburn effect during treatment which I was immediately given special creams for by the Radiotherapy team. After treatment the treatment carries on working in the body and you will be advised as to manage any side effects. There are many people in this group including myself that have been through the process and we're only happy to share and advise where possible. I was were you are now not so long ago and I can't thank the other members of this group enough for their help, advice and support. We're not all doom and gloom we can have a bit of a giggle and a bit of tongue in cheek humour too. Honestly ask anything you want, nothing is too embarrassing or taboo. I hope this helps xxx Marie 

  • Hi I have three cushions. I have a donut cushion which I didn't find was too helpful after treatment. The hospital made a referral to the District Nurses for me. They provided a special cushion, it is a proper pressure relieving cushion which helped enormously. They also offered a special mattress but I didn't need that. This was the best cushion of the three. Quite recently, I banged my coccyx and found it very painful to sit down. I found a coccyx cushion on Amazon which has a bit cut out at the back so your coccyx is not touching anything. This was helpful as it can be used in the car. This wouldn't provide relief to the perineum though. Your best bet is to ask for the pressure relieving cushion from the District Nurses. All the best for Monday. Bev x 

  • Hi 

    Hope all goes well with your treatment. I had a pressure relief cushion that I took everywhere! It really helped all the way through. I also have a doughnut cushion which was good at times but not as useful as the pressure relief cushion. I slept on my side with a pillow between my legs which helped or with my legs raised. As Nicki says slap on the creams!! Also Dead Sea salt baths helped me but not once you get open sores!! That’ll be quite late on in the process!! 
    As Bev says feel free to ask anything we are all here to help and been through so fully empathise with feelings, emotional rollercoaster and need to ask questions about the unknown!! Stay positive.... good luck this week

    Ruth x