No appointment

  • 5 replies
  • 34 subscribers

I've had a biopsy, had CT, MRI at local hospital and was told it was anal cancer and by what they could see it had gone into a few lymph nodes in my groin but no where else. I'd be put under one of the two large hospitals at Sheffield. I was sent to the northern general for a PET scan and that was 2 weeks ago. I've not heard anything from anywhere since and I've no idea who to contact. I'm just wondering how long it usually takes after all the tests before you see the doctor. Everything seemed to happen so fast but now nothing 

  • I expect something came today, but contact your gp anyway, they can chase it for you. Be a nuisance !

  • Hi   You could contact your GP as has suggested. If they can't help, contact the hospital who will be treating you and ask to be out through to the Oncology secretaries. If you don't know which hospital will be treating you, I'd  call the hospital where you had your last scans and ask to be put through to the PET scan department and ask how long it will be until you hear anything.  Once all your scans have been completed the results are discussed at a MDT (Multi-Disciplinary Team Meeting) where a treatment plan will also be discussed. That all usually takes 2-3 weeks after your last scan.  If you don't get any answers, contact  PALS (Patient Liason Service) at your local hospital. They will liase with the relevant professionals and teams on your behalf and feed back to you. Waiting around for appointments is an anxious time and I hope you get something sorted out quickly. Bev 

  • Hi ,

    I agree with all that’s been said, chase it up if only with your GP but ask if your GP knows who you should be contacting & at which hospital (it should be on your medical records) just to find out what’s happening, don’t be afraid to be insistent  as you need to know what the next steps are & especially in the current climate things have been known to slide! 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Nikki65

    Thankyou. I got in touch with my local hospital and they looked into it. I know which doctor and hospital now, and the meeting is tomorrow,  my name is on the list. She said they'd phone me tomorrow after the meeting. So no sleep for me tonight but I should know more tomorrow.  Thankyou all so much 

  • Hi again ,

    That’s good news that you now have a point of contact & although I know firsthand it’s a worrying time hopefully once the MDT meeting has taken place tomorrow the ball will start rolling with a treatment plan etc., & you can start looking forward. Lots of people here have had groin lymph nodes affected with their AC diagnosis & have had great outcomes with the treatment, the radiotherapy is mapped to treat the affected lymph nodes, it’s good to hear there’s been no further spread. 
