Vaginal Bleed

  • 10 replies
  • 34 subscribers

Is it normal to bleed from vagina with Anal Cancer and following a stoma operation? When the nurse asked the consultant, 3 weeks ago, he said he'd expect it until I had radiotherapy, but it's been getting heavier this past week or so! Of course, things always happen on a weekend, don't they? 

  • Hi ,

    I don’t have any personal experience of this vaginal bleeding or stoma surgery but one explanation could be the position of your tumour. I know a couple of people have said theirs have been positioned on the back wall of the vagina & had broken through which may cause what seems like a vaginal bleed? Are you aware if this is the case with your AC? 


  • Hi Nicola,

    I don't remember the doctor saying it was positioned there but there was so much to take in! I had the surgery in one hospital and now I've been transferred for treatment to another hospital! The surgeon who performed the operation didn't seem surprised that this was happening but no one told me it would get heavier! I'm not getting treatment until 25th, so I suppose I'll just have to keep an eye on it!

    Thank you so much for replying Nicola, it helps so much!

    Take care, Moira ( Three) x

  • Hi again ,

    Maybe the position of your tumour isn’t the case. I’m assuming this isn’t a normal mensural bleed? I know in the beginning there’s so much information to take in isn’t there? but I’m sure you would recall if your Dr’s had mentioned any vaginal wall involvement. Anything that concerns you, especially any heavy bleeding I would give your Dr or specialist nurse if you’ve been assigned one a call just to check on this & to ask why this is happening they may be able to put your mind to rest a little. I was warned that once the radiotherapy begins it’ll most likely put you into menopause if you’ve not already been through it therefore stopping any menstruation, I was probably 80-90% through before I began treatment so it brought mine to a swift end. I hope you get sorted very soon & get some answers why this is happening. 


  • Hi , Nicola,

    Sorry, I forgot to mention that I'm 70yrs old!! The hospital were treating me  for a Colovaginal Fistula, the cancer diagnosis came as a huge, sudden shock, especially as I'd been reassured there was no cancer! It all happened over Xmas and New Year and I just didn't take much in! However, there was an abscess and I think this was caused by some sort of fistula! Am I making any sense? So maybe that's causing the bleeding! I'd have phoned 111 but trying to explain this makes me sound crazy!

    Thank you for trying to sort me out Nicola, it helps so much!

    Moira x( Three)

  • Hi (Moira). It's a shame this has happened at a weekend, it's typical isn't it ! Your doctor may not have told you where the tumour is located, sometimes they don't always provide you with all the information. After my first CT scan post-treatment  I was told there was good news about the nodule seen on my lung at the first scan as it hadn't changed.  My response 'what nodule?'. I hadn't been told, they had forgotten to mention it.  The reassuring thing is that your Consultant has said the bleeding is to be expected until you start radiotherapy but I would definitely call the hospital tomorrow and mention the bleeding has got heavier. It's always wise to just check in relation any changes that happen. Bev x

  • Hi 

    That makes a little more sense to me, if you were being treated for what they thought to be a colovaginal filstula & if your anal cancer is located in the same place then that tells me it’s located on the back wall of the vagina as I first thought. Don’t be worried about how it  sounds, if the bleeding is getting heavier then call 111 if only for some advice. Please let me know how you get on. 


  • Hi again Nicola,

    thank you so much for the reasurrace, I think you're right you know! He showed me the scan and he did mention the fistula but he called it by a different name, not a Colovaginal but something else! Today I haven't bled, so far, just had a brownish discharge but I'm going for a CT scan tomorrow, I might ask if it would be possible to speak to someone!

    Thank you once more for your help, I really do feel better after speaking to you! I'll let you know what happens.

    Moira x

  • Hi Moira (),

    Thats good news that the bleeding has subsided, it’ll be a good idea if you’re at the hospital today to see if you can speak to someone & yes please let me know how you get on. Good luck for today. 


  • Sorry I haven't been in touch, I've had a bit of a bad week! The bleeding continues, not very heavy but always there! I had my CT scan and no one seemed surprised by it so I'm putting it out of my mind, as much as I can! Treatment starts this week, tomorrow I have a telephone appointment, prior to chemo, then Wednesday pre Chemo Bloods, then Thursday, Chemo and Radiation! I'm wanting to get it all started but scared at the same time, if that makes sense,? I keep bursting into tears, just out of the blue, convinced I'm going to die, then covering it up by making a joke!

    Thank you Nicola, for all your help and apologies to anyone reading this, for not replying! It just seems like days run into each other!

    End of the pity fest, sorry everyone! Hope YOU'RE all feeling upbeat today?

    Love Moira x

  • Hi again Moira (),

    Please don’t feel the need to apologise, you’re at that stage where it’s a busy time, there’s always something going on & as you say the days do just run into one another. 

    It’s good news that nobody seems overly concerned about the bleeding but hopefully once treatment gets underway & the radiation starts blitzing your beastie then that will subside fairly quickly. 

    It’s perfectly natural, the feelings you’re having about starting treatment, I remember feeling that way too but once started I had this overwhelming feeling of relief almost, it was as if there was no turning back after that first day & I pulled up my big girl pants & just got on with it (although not for everyone this is pretty much my approach to life!) a case of what will be will be. 

    Sending lots of positive thoughts your way for Thursday, I hope all goes well, I’m sure you’ll be fine & feel more settled once that first day is over with. 
