Stoma op confirmed

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Hi ... so the hospital have phoned this afternoon and my stoma op is next Wednesday .. I was a bit shocked at ... 7AM NEXT WEDNESDAY!! But less time to dwell on things eh ? And I’m just so grateful things are finally starting to happen X x x 

  • Hi  at last things are moving! Only 5 days to go. To be honest I found I didn’t really think too much about things once I had started treatment, there’s so much going on. Then, when you’re nearly done with treatment you start to feel fatigued so sleep longer than normal.  It’ll be important to take it easy for a while. I hope you have enough help with all those animals! Make sure you look after yourself well. Bev x

  • Hi ,

    It does come as a bit of a shock when things are scheduled with just a few days notice but as you say it’s less time to dwell on things. I was very much like  in that once the ball was rolling there really wasn’t much time to think about things too much as once you’re in treatment it’s a pretty busy time. I’m so pleased things are on the move & hope all goes well on Wednesday for you. 


  •  I’m a tad nervous but relieved things are starting to move and I know I’m running before I can walk but I was thinking my stoma will be coming on really well when we are lambing in April so I may be able to feed a few pet lambs if I’m feeling anything like even venturing outside . I’m just trying to think of good things ahead and the thought of spring time and lambs is really good for me . I spoke to a nurse who phoned this afternoon she was very helpful and really made everything sound so simple with Wednesdays procedure ! I just hoping I don’t have to drink the dreaded drink before hand haha!! Oooh before I forget .. any ideas on what I can be moisturising with I though I might start doing it now ?? X x x 

  • It’s only natural that you’re feeling a little apprehensive  & yes focus on the good things to come following your surgery & treatment. Regarding moisturising I used a simple aqueous cream & that’s what my radiotherapy team provided me with also when I began my treatment, you can’t start too soon, I’m not sure if the condition of your skin pre-treatment has any baring  on skin reaction during treatment but it certainly can’t harm anything getting it in good condition can it? Just to let you know if you don’t already you’re eligible for a medical exemption certificate until you’re discharged (after 5 years NED) I still moisturise & wash with aqueous cream now & along with stool softeners I have it on repeat prescription from my GP. 


  • Oh wow ... that’s good to know .. Thankyou X x x 

  • Hi  that dreaded drink! I remember it well, a salty lemon flavour and so much of it too. Definitely agree with  to start moisturising early. I started on day 1 of my treatment and escaped lightly with my skin reaction. Will be thinking of you on Wednesday. Bev x

  • I know ... pints and pints and pints of the stuff!!! Thank you both so much I will of course keep you up dated  X x x 

  • Hi again 

    R.E., the medical exemption, just give your G.P. surgery a ring, that’s where I got mine from, it’s just a form you need to fill in, there may well be a way to do it online or they’ll probably post one out for you, once you’ve filled it in you pop it back in the post & you should get a card back with your exemption number & expiration date etc., on, if you’re getting creams, medications & the like especially like me for a while after treatment has finished it can & will save you a small fortune as prescription charges aren’t cheap now. 


  • I know prescriptions are sooooooo expensive. Thanks so much my doctor is ringing me Monday regarding the covid jab so I’ll ask for a form aswell! X x x 

  • it’s amazing how many people that have a cancer diagnosis who are totally unaware that you’re entitled to an medical exemption certificate so yes make sure you ask when you speak to your GP. 
