Hi everyone

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So bit of an update .. not much though but anyway ! I had my camera and biopsy from the ‘lesion’ on the outside of my bum and the ‘lump’ inside my bum last Thursday and it’s took me till yesterday really to feel ‘half normal ‘ it’s not been painful as such .. but so uncomfortable it’s made it painful if that makes sense . Then the irritation on the outside.. gosh !! Anyway sudacrem seems to be my new best friend at the moment !! Initially I was going to have a lymph node biopsy and biopsy on the rest last week but the consultant said she’d decided not to do that .... I didn’t ask why I thought I’d just enjoy the blissful ignorance of not asking !! I assumed if they though there were cells they would of removed them OR maybe they will map them into my treatment anyway and give them a good blast ! She said  (consultant) that she was very happy with the camera it’s reached the back of the virginal wall but it’s all contained .. but it’s a big buggar ! 10cm and from 10oclock to 6 o’clock ! I’m trying really hard to be patient and it’s seems all my appointments have been the other way round .. they told me first ...Then did the mri n camera .. biopsy etc etc . So it seems like I’ve known for aaaaages and im still waiting for treatment confirmation. Im Not complaining !! I did phone up this morning and the ‘meeting ‘ about me is next Friday and hopefully then the ball will start rolling !!!! I’ve managed to get outside yesterday and today .. and I’ve driven my car today so I’m really thrilled ! And still managing to go to the toilet which is also a bonus after the camera and biopsy !!!! I’m thinking really great thoughts now .but very emotional especially if someone is really nice to me ! I went to see my sheep this morning in the field and all 270 come over to me ... I cried !!!!!!!!! Hope you are all well X x x 

  • Hi ,

    Thats good that things are moving, I’d be like you just happy it’s moving regardless of what order!  As you’ve said they’ll possibly just map that lymph node into your radiotherapy to cover all bases, they may explain a little more after your MDT meeting & once a treatment plan is put to you. I had my tumour surgically removed prior to chemoradiotherapy so completely understand your discomfort with the biopsy, I totally understand the saying of having a rocket up your backside now lol… You sound in a good place & pretty positive although don’t let those other feelings build up inside just let them out whenever you feel the need we all feel better after a good blubber. 

    I’m so pleased you got to see your sheep too, I know how happy it makes me when my dog is happy to see me & there’s only one of her I can’t imagine the joy that 270 bounding towards me would bring me, although she’s definitely a one off lol, it made me emotional reading that. 

    Hope you hear more news soon.


  • Hi  I love that all your sheep came over to say hello! I do think animals sense when we’re upset. To be honest, the pain after my biopsy when I went to the toilet was worse than the pain during treatment so you will be sore. Your lymph nodes will also be blasted during the radiotherapy anyway as part of the treatment. It’s good news that the Big Buggar is contained, that must be a relief.   The waiting around is annoying. Hospitals only tend to have one Multi-Disciplinary Team meeting once a week where your treatment plan will be discussed and agreed by all the professionals. I found the pre-treatment part of my big C diagnosis very frustrating. You just want to get on with treatment don’t you?  Your emotions will be all over the place, just roll with it and think you’ll be having your treatment soon. Bev x

  • @Nikki65  I really honestly couldn’t of got my head together without you both .. I don’t know if u understand how absolutely amazing you are .. you always seem to find the right words .. not just to me but to everyone on here!! I’m so grateful for that ! I’m soo lucky living where I do ... a lot of those sheep are my dear friends and as soon as I walked down the field this morning they knew it was me and come running .. I do however have to be careful that I don’t get squashed haha as some do jump up and stand on their back legs like a dog would ! I’ve bottle fed and raised quite a few now and it’s incredible how ‘stupid sheep’ are really quite the opposite and know somethings going on . Especially my closest ones ! As do my horses and my little old dog ..at least being in lock down I can still see them whenever I want .  I’m finding sleeping a bit tricky it’s almost like having a firm mattress isn’t doing me any favours and my lump really does feel like a heavy lump at night ! On the settee it’s fine but led flat just can’t get comfortable.. has anyone any ideas? I do keep waking up certainly not worrying and not necessarily thinking about it in particular then I struggle getting back over ... but it’s becoming routine now I’ve noticed !! X x x 

  • Hi   you're very welcome, I'm so glad we are able to make you feel a bit better. Animals really do help don't they. My cats were amazing during my treatment, they would curl up right next to me, literally wouldn't leave my side and my tom cat would follow me into the toilet- not such a good idea at times!  You could ask the hospital or your GP to make a referral to the District Nurses, they provide special equipment. I got a special cushion as I could not sit down at all and they offered me a mattress which I didn't need but could be helpful to you. Bev x

  •  thank you so much for your kind words, this is why I originally became a community champion as I received so much support from this group in my hour of need that I felt I would like to pay a little of that forward & it’s lovely to know that I’m offering the same support to others as that which got me through those dark days directly after my diagnosis. 

    Animals are definitely more intuitive than a lot of humans especially when there’s something health related going on don’t you think? 

    Sleeping… have you tried sleeping on your side with a pillow between your knees? Just a thought that it may take a little pressure off the area if your legs are kept slightly apart? It’s a difficult one but like  has said maybe a phone call to your GP & see if the district nurses have anything that may help, hopefully it’ll be only short-term. I didn’t sleep too well between my diagnosis & my surgery/treatment, I think even if you don’t think you’re worrying about things I’m sure it’s bubbling away in your subconscious & this surfaces every now & again enough to disturb your sleep, I found once I started treatment the fatigue soon set in & I was sleeping solidly at night & having a nana nap every day when I got in from my appointments, it’s some of the best sleep I’ve ever had, silver linings & all that! 
