Learning to cope

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  • 6 subscribers

Hi everyone.

In late March of 2022 I became a member because my youngest brother was diagnosed with AML. a day I'll always remember horribly.

From doctors not taking his symptoms serious and eventually treating him for anxiety. On the 16th of March Brian was giving depression tablets and told to come back in 2weeks...two days later on the 18th of march Brian had enough of being sick and he knew he was really sick he went to A@E. There they done a simple blood test to very swiftly diagnose Brian with cancer. From January my little brother repeatedly rang our local GP and when he did get seen they deemed in unnecessary to take bloods and was sent home. Brian developed brusies on his legs and was told to email a picture to the nurse...the nurse then rang back and said to stop taking paracetamol..

Two weeks after being diagnosed by youngest brother passed away due to a bleeding on the brain after having a stroke. Two weeks before his 31st birthday.

Having to go down to hospital and have doctors tell you that your brother will not survive and give permission to turn of the machines that wernt doing any good is a conversation I remember to this day.

Blood tests may not have changed the outcome BUT Brian was a fighter and he wasn't given that chance by our GP.

I'm thinking of everyone on this group and praying better days are ahead for you...

Sorry for the rant 

  • Hi again  it’s been a hard year for you and I do understand how the details of the past year will play out on a loop in your head.

    Although not the same, l lost my mum just over two years ago and there were signs that were missed in the months leading up to her passing. The hospital missed these signs and initially I was very angry…… they say time is a healer and for me this has been the case.

    I did talk this all through with a support source and you may benefit from doing this also.

    My local Maggie's Centre was amazing and helped me unpack the rucksack of ‘stuff’ I had in my back that was pulling me down.

    Do also check to see if you have any Local Macmillan Support in your area as they can help.

    The Macmillan Support Line is open from 8am-8pm (timings may differ across services) 7 days a week on 0808 808 00 00 where you can get emotional support or just connect with a listening ear.

    Sending supportive ((hugs))

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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