Good days

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My partner was recently diagnosed (last Tuesday) with Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (APML), and at first they were all bad days. I was a mess emotionally and he was a mess physically (nausea, migraines etc.). But we had 6 bad days and then we had three good days. After the first day that we were able to have a conversation (we even played a game of cards), I felt like I was riding on a high, which was a bit emotionally exhausting itself, but better than him being so sick. The third good day he wasn't sick once.

I just wanted to share, as if you, or someone you love, is doing it tough right now, it may get better.

Something that seemed to help with the nausea is they charted anti nausea for him three times a day 30 mins before food, whereas before they were giving it to him reactively. They were also able to give Maxolon as a tablet, rather than intravenously as I don't think pushing all the saline was doing wonders.

  • Hi  good to see you have navigated over to this corner of the community. As you know my blood cancer journey is with a different type but I do understand the journey (see my profile).

    Your post highlights the initial journey that has to be navigated, especially in the early days as everything is new and you are caught in the headlights with information and challenge overload.

    My wife has been as much on my 22 year journey as I have. I asked her for some advice….”… to the medical side of this journey you have no control over…… and this may sound very simple but try and don’t stress the stuff that is out with your control…… focus on the good days as it sounds as you have been doing, there will be good days so look at these balancing out the bad days. The main battle you will be facing is the one that is raging between your ears. The one tool we found helped was our family notebook…. I was the main keeper as Mike often was not able to think things through so I was keeping notes, what was being said, what was being planned and detailing all the questions we needed answers for as information is very important…… sending ((hugs))

    We are always around to help ((hugs))

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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