Acute myeloid Leukemua

  • 13 replies
  • 9 subscribers

I am asking those with the above how quickly their disease progressed.

The reason I ask is that although I have not had a diagnosis if AML I fear due to radiation exposure I may have it,  in particular I have an increasing ferritin reading and One of the Macmillan nurses has confirmed that high ferritin could be linked to AML.

i have a number of other symptoms, namely increasing bone pain in hips and ribs not only in intensity  but in location as in it has spread to more ribs, Also night sweats and leg weakness., 

I won’t bore you all with the complete background but my ferritin has been high since February and the bone pain been in evidence since about late April maybe a little earlier.

clearly everything I have read about acute leukemia is that it’s fast growing, however as if a couple of weeks ago my blood readings were all normal.

it does pose one other question which is can you have leukemia with normal blood readings?

Any comments/advice welcome.

stay safe 


  • Hi, sorry it’s taken so long to reply, how are you getting on as I assume you are having treatment?  Also did you have any bone pain prior to diagnosis, I read about your illnesses but you made no mention of bone pain.

    Hope you are doing ok, stay strong.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ajc0454

    Hi Al,

    hope u r well?.

    Sorry for no reply but in hospital at mo for 2nd bout of chemo.

    When i was diagnosed end Nov i ad a 30% chance of living as i ad been extremely poorly since a fall in Oct at work,ive ad chest infections(2),was told at beginning of Nov i ad a clot on my lung,im also asthmatic n breathing was awful.

    I came in end of Nov as wasnt getting any better if not worse(30% of life),i was admitted that friday nite n told i ad blood cancer n told following day it was leukemia so not happy but it was acute myeloid leukemia as u no it AML?.

    I had pain in my right rib n across lungs beginning of Nov n they sed it was clot of lung n sent home.

    This time im in for bout 2 n my levels r doing really well n im reacting to chemo real well so home again hopefully wedsFingers crossed.

    stay safe n chill ok?.

  • Hi, thanks for getting in touch, so no real bone pains as seems lung blood clot was probably causing rib pain.

    I am encouraged you are coping with your treatment and will pray that continues for you.
