Is it possible to exclude pre-existing conditions from cover?

  • 12 replies
  • 22 subscribers

I’ve seen references to travel insurers excluding cover for some pre-existing conditions, but don’t know which of them would be prepared to do this.  The company which I used up until I was diagnosed with cancer, and was very happy with – Saga – will not do this because they want their customers to be fully insured; yet their on-line screening decided that they could not give me a quotation at all.

Some other companies will quote, but the insurance premium would cost as much as the holiday itself!  I am reliably informed, by my cancer nurse specialist, that the cancer is unlikely to cause problems suddenly while I am away for a short trip of a few weeks.  I would like to get the other benefits of travel insurance – baggage loss, accidents, new health conditions, etc – while accepting that I would not be covered for cancer-related illness.

Does anyone know of a company which will provide such partial cover, excluding the pre-existing conditions?

  • Thanks Smiley21 I’m ideally looking for worldwide annual cover as have family abroad but I’ll definitely check that one out!

  • I’ve obtained quotes from Staysure.  They give you the choice of including or excluding cover for all of the list of medical conditions you declare. In my case these were prostate cancer (apparently cured), rectal cancer (treated but not entirely eliminated), and long-term atrial fibrillation. If you exclude the conditions, they add a lot of “linked conditions”, like stroke, liver & kidney impairment, etc, which would also be excluded.  I suppose it’s useful to have these spelt out, to avoid possible arguments later, but it’s a bit alarming! The premiums for annual Europe cover excluding the declared and linked conditions were £95 for basic cover or £121 for more comprehensive cover.  If I wanted cover for the medical conditions, they would do it, but the premiums would be about ten times those quoted above.