Recommended travel insurance 2023-2025

  • 187 replies
  • 101 subscribers

Hi everyone, 

The lovely @latchbrook set up the original 'recommended travel insurance thread' which you can still view here. Just so you don't have to go through the different pages of information to find recent recommendations, you can find the most recent experiences in this thread. 

Please note, all recommendations are from Community members and are not recommendations from Macmillan. Please do your own research as to whether the companies are suitable for you. 

This thread can be used to update the group when you've found an insurance company that provided you with cover at a reasonable cost from a recommendation you found here or elsewhere. 

If you could put a little bit of additional information eg. whether you got a single trip or annual, cover for a cruise, worldwide, etc along with anything else that you think others would find helpful when they are researching that would be great.

You may also find Macmillan's 'Cancer and buying travel insurance' page to be helpful

  • Hi

    I was in a similar situation. If you're confident the cancer won't cause any urgent problems before chemo starts go for Global Travel Insurance, "exculding existing conditions". I got GHIC card too for back up.

    Other companies I tried either refused to insure me or charged a fortune. I couldn't find anyone who separates insurance for baggage/delays etc from health problems.  Seems outright discriminatory...

    Good luck. Def worth getting the holiday in before treatment starts!

  • My mum's back on the chemo again for her Myeloma (6 weeks tablets cycle) and the Consultant wanted me to wait for a couple of weeks into her treatment before I book anywhere. 

    The cruise that I booked for next year (with our deposits carried over since Covid) will have to (sadly) be cancelled as the Consultant is worried that the cruise (no matter how much my mum and myself were looking forward to it) may prove too much for my mum.  The Consultant didn't seem to worried about my suggestion to  instead take my mum on a short driving holiday in mainland Europe.  I think this would be much better than having no break I guess.

    I'm closely monitoring my mum and keeping my fingers tightly crossed that all goes well with her chemo as I'm keen to book our mini break soon - even if it's only for a few days.  She's just started her second week of treatment.

    I'll take on board your suggestion of not mentioning 'existing conditions' once my mum's chemo cycle has finished.  The change of scenery would do both my mum and myself some good, even if it isn't the 'Mother and Daughter Caribbean cruise' that we both had set our hearts on.

  • Hi  

    What firefly929 said was to see if you could get travel insurance which "excluded existing conditions". They did not suggest that you "didn't mention existing conditions".

    If you do the latter, it might mean that if you needed to make a claim it would be declined once the insurers realised that you hadn't declared your mother's existing medical conditions.

    Have you looked through the 'recommended travel insurance' thread yet and rung the companies that others have been able to get insurance though? If not, clicking on the link I've created will take you straight there.

    Remember, there's a big difference between buying insurance which excludes your mother's existing conditions and buying insurance where you haven't declared your mother's existing conditions, with the latter not to be recommended.

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • My wife is in remission from myeloma and we finally got an annual Europe cover from Staysure but it does preclude cruising. 

  • Hi I used a company called Avanti 

  • I am due to travel in August after my last round of chemo. I still need 2 weeks radiotherapy but don't know when that will be yet. Insurance With declined to provide cover on these grounds, but recommended I visit for a list of insurers that cover medical conditions. There was a list of 28 providers, which I narrowed down to 10 with the filter options provided on the site. I've gone with a company called All Clear, I'm so relieved to have cover after being declined first off!


  • FormerMember

    Hi all, my aunt (72) was recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer that has metastacised to her spleen, liver and kidneys. The diagnosis was literally 8 days ago. We have had a holiday booked to Tenerife for September 1st since last year. Since the diagnosis is so recent, it's all a bit up in the air. Her oncology app is next week, where we'll know more. InsureCancer told me they only cover people undergoing chemo. I am just wondering if anyone had any luck getting insurance with such a fresh diagnosis? She's currently on morphine and probably wont start chemo until after our holiday. Her surgeon will most likely deem her fit to travel. Unsure if the constant nos from insurers (I'm phoning for quotes) is due to a lack of knowledge around her diagnosis and future. If anyone has experienced similar, I'd be grateful to know your experience, please. Due to its nature, this could be her only chance to travel away. Thanks.

  • Unfortunately, I have had the exact same issue. Unable to go on my holiday as the cheapest insurance I found was more expensive than the entire holiday itself! I was due to fly in 2 weeks time but can no longer go because of being unable to afford cancer insurance. I was signed off by the surgeon as being fit to travel and chemo was due to start after the holiday. I have tried to make the most of things and now looking to go away somewhere in the UK for a few nights instead with my family. It's not the same, but we will just make the most of it and enjoy it all the same.

    I am so sorry you are going through this and know how disheartening it is as we also booked our holiday at the start of the year with the entire family. I hope you are able to find something (please let me know if you do as I'm willing to give anything a try right up until the flight date!). Wishing you all the best Heart xx

  • Hi  and  

    I'm sorry to read the difficulties you're both having trying to find insurance which will cover your holidays.

    Unfortunately it is much harder to find insurance when you've had a cancer diagnosis and I wondered if you'd looked through the 'recommended travel insurance' thread yet and rung the companies that others have been able to get insurance though? If not, clicking on the link I've created will take you straight there.

    There are lots of recommendations in that thread, so it's best to make a list and then sit down and start phoning the companies. Although some of the recommendations are years old, they are still relevant.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Just checking. If your aunt has had this holiday booked for nearly a year, has she not already got travel insurance? If the insurance predates the diagnosis she should already be covered. Its obviously worth checking/ reading the small print. Good luck.