Travel Insurance with terminal prognosis less than 6 months

  • 3 replies
  • 19 subscribers

Hi Folks,

I'm hoping someone might be able to recommend an insurance company that can provide cover for my stepdad to travel to France after being given a terminal prognosis of less than 6 months. He's 89 and was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer in Jan 21. He had Chemo over 3 months last year but suffered side effects so was given one dose of Radiotherapy last October, which wasn't successful. He's now been told there are no further treatment options. He'd really like to make one last trip to France to scatter my Mum's ashes where they used to go on holiday in their younger days.

I've tried quite a few companies listed on the BIBA site. All will cover terminal cancer but only if his Dr will confirm that he'll live for more than 6 months after returning from the trip, which they obviously won't do. I know it's a long shot but was hoping someone in a similar situation may have had some success.

Many thanks

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be.

    Unfortunately, as you've found, it can be more difficult to find travel insurance when you've had a cancer diagnosis. Have you had chance to look at the recommendations in the 'recommended travel insurance' thread yet? If not, clicking on the link I've created will take you straight there. 

    Most people recommend that it's better to phone the insurance companies rather than try and do online quotes as often at the end of the online quote it will tell you to phone the company and you'll then have to go through all the information again. Also, sometimes the broker can refer to the underwriters to see if they would provide cover when an online quote might just give you a straight refusal. 

    I have searched for 'terminal' within this group and found these previous posts which mention it. You could have a look through the more recent ones to see if anyone has found a company that will insure them.

    I do hope that you can get travel insurance for your dad and do let us know how you get on


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  • Thank you Latchbrook for the warm welcome and advice. I did try some of the  companies from the 'recommended travel insurance' page but they've all declined to quote because my stepdad's prognosis is currently less than 6 months due to there being no further treatment options available. At the moment, he is still the primary carer for my brother who has Down's Syndrome and still does the shopping, cooking and housework for them both, with assistance from my wife and I when required as we don't want to take away his independence. He doesn't need strong painkillers and is generally good health. People don't believe he's nearly 90, so we think the oncologist may have been too harsh with their diagnosis. We know ultimately he can't overcome the disease but it's possible that they've underestimated his strength of character. 

    I'm not convinced we'll be able to find insurance cover with his existing prognosis so may have to try and encourage the cancer team to re-evaluate. 

    Many thanks for trying to help.

  • I'm sorry that none of the travel companies you tried could offer travel insurance for your dad. It must be extremely frustrating for you all. 

    The only other thing I can think of is to use a specialist insurance broker who can then do all the searching for you. Could BIBA put you in touch with one?


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