Consultant's letter

  • 6 replies
  • 19 subscribers

Hi all,

I'm not sure if this is the most appropriate place to ask, but has anyone experienced difficulty in getting certification from their consultant for claiming against travel insurance?

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in June and surgery clashed with my holiday in July. I've been trying since then to get documentation on my diagnosis and date of diagnosis. 

It's been going on so long that I'm now scared (wrongly paranoid?) that my initial prognosis that I was "treatable/curable" is wrong.

My only contact now is the secretary to my consultant's assistant who just says she'll email him and call me back but never calls (so I call her back and the process repeats)

 Needing the money aside, is it normal to take this long ? Would someone have told me if my prognosis had changed?

Thanks for any advice 

  • Hi

    I had to claim against my travel insurance earlier this year when I too was diagnosed with breast cancer.

    The claim forms from the travel insurance company specifically said that my GP must complete the medical declaration parts. However, 3 weeks after I handed them in to my surgery I got a call to say the GP was too busy and could I get my consultant to do them instead. I spoke to the insurers and they said this was okay.

    I then phoned my breast cancer nurse and explained the problem to her. She said that she would be able to complete them and did so the very next day while I sat in with her. 

    It wouldn't make any difference if your prognosis has changed as you're claiming for cancelling your holiday on medical advice and the 'stage' you've been diagnosed at is irrelevant.

    I hope this helps


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  • Thanks, my insurance are looking for confirmation from the person/people who made the diagnosis (plus my GP and BCN are impossible to get through to).

    The nurses who deliver my chemotherapy have said to keep persevering with my consultant, my  mind is just being overactive thinking of reasons why it's taking so long (compounded by originally being told I didn't need chemo, then being told that I did as had always needed it)



  • What sort of 'confirmation' are they looking for?

    I put in 3 claims with 3 different insurance companies, as I had to cancel 2 holidays and my husband also had to claim, and in all cases they just required a Medical Certificate to be completed along with a claim form. This consisted of a large number of questions, eg. when was I diagnosed, what I'd been diagnosed with, etc. Is this the 'confirmation' that needs to be completed?

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  • They've just asked for my diagnosis and date of diagnosis. I think it should be straightforward enough once I have it as the insurance was taken out in the October before my June diagnosis.

  • In that case, I think all you can do is to keep chasing your consultant's secretary for the confirmation, in whatever form the insurance company are asking for it to be in.

    After I'd completed the claim forms, the BCN had completed the Medical Certificates and I'd sent them off along with the supporting documentation the 3 different insurance companies asked for, it was about 8 weeks before I had the money refunded.

    Wishing you all the best


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Just for anyone looking in I've still not got my Letter, but managed to get it confirmed today that my prognosis hasn't changed which is a weight off my mind.