Newly diagnosed - cruise in a week

  • 2 replies
  • 19 subscribers


husband told today he has bowel cancer and will have staging scans next week, with operation when we get back from holiday, then any other treatment needed. We already have cruise insurance with my pre-existing conditions including cancer from 12 years ago. Can we have his cancer excluded from the cover when we tell insurance company or are they likely to cancel cover altogether. Have tried a few online quotes as single traveller just to see and nobody quoting online when I put in awaiting treatment etc. He is still fit as a fiddle and not suddenly at deaths door! Any advice appreciated



  • I have a head and neck cancer and am insured through my Nationwide bank account.  They cover me for everything aside from the cancer with no additional costs.  Like you I was told the diagnosis 3 days before a 3 1/2 week trip to the USA (a different insurer) but still went.

    Potentially your existing insurer (who needs to know) may cancel your cover in which case they will have to cover the cancellation of the cruise.  If you have a fit to travel confirmation from your doctor they may still cover you with some exclusions re the cancer.  Only a discussion with then will confirm.

    See my profile for more details of my convoluted journey
  • Thanks very much Peter with your reply. The hospital specialists are encouraging us to go on this holiday before we he starts the treatment as its not known at present when that will finish. We had another fortnight booked early February in the caribbean but have canceled this yesterday. Will start the contacting today and see where that goes.
