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Recommended Travel Insurance

  • 250 replies
  • 130 subscribers

Hi everyone

As it can be time consuming looking through existing posts for travel insurance recommendations I thought it'd be a good idea to try and keep all recommendations in one place.

With that in mind I thought I'd ask that when you've found an insurance company that provided you with cover at a reasonable cost you posted that recommendation here.

If you could put a little bit of additional information eg. whether you got single trip or annual, cover for a cruise, worldwide, etc along with anything else that you think others would find helpful when they are researching that would be great.

All the recommendations come from community members and are not recommendations from Macmillan. Please make sure you do your own research as to whether they are suitable for you.


  • I got a premium of over £500 when declaring melanoma. Did you call them up or receive your quote online? Thanks for your advice.

  • Tried allclear last week for cruise travel insurance and was quoted over £1500 for myself and husband.  More then cost of the holiday 

  • Hi. I rang yesterday for travel insurance.  I've always used Stay Sure. In June I had a lobectomy on my upper right lung using key hole surgery.  No chemotherapy and radiotherapy needed just anual scans for five years. I've been discharged from hospital weeks ago. My quote for anual insurance cover including cruise cover was £9048.86. I almost fell off my chair. 

  • Hi  Ive just joined the community news group and looking for up to date information about travel insurance quotes and the latest information is 3 years old.  Can you advise please?

  • If it's any help, I went through the process of getting travel insurance last year. I have lung cancer. I got numerous quotes from different companies and was horrified when the "regulars" that I'd used for years prior to my diagnosis were quoting firgures of up to £4,000 - for a single trip. Some wouldn't even offer cover. I listed the names of several companies from this group and checked them out either online or by phone.

    I did an online application for a single trip with a company called and was quoted something like £160 for a single trip of 10 days to Madeira. I assumed I'd got it wrong, so tried again with a different email address and got the same result. Still unable to believe it I decided to sperak to someone and get a quote that way. I called and went through the details with one of their representatives and lo and behold - it was correct - £160'ish! She did however recommend a top-up of £20 to improve the policy. I got her to add my wife to the policy as well and the final result was $212.16 for both of us - and that even include d £35 tax! So that's a single trip of 10 days, in Europe.

    There is however a slight problem at present. We contacted them to get cover again for December and they are in the process of changing to a different underwriter. So for the time being, they can't give a quote. The previous underwriter was a German organisation that has dropped out due appaerently to Brexit. The person we spoke to was optimistic that it will be resolved soon. I'm hoping the new underwriter will be as good.

    Several people have messaged this group to mention they received good service from the company when they needed assistance too. Good luck.

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community

    Please don't be put off contacting the travel insurance companies recommended in this thread just because they were recommended by others three years ago. New recommendations will only appear as and when people find a company that hasn't been recommended before.

    I hope you find travel insurance and, if you do find it through a company not mentioned in this thread, please do add their name.


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  • Thank you so much. I will persevere until I get what I want. Appreciate your advice

  • Thanks this is really helpful. I'm trying to find insurance for my Dad. He has stage 4 prostrate cancer which has spread but on chemo is feeling less pain and is determined to travel whilst feeling a bit brighter. (And we're determined to make it happen.) Consultant said yes but insurer he spoke to (one of the recommended) turned him down as receiving treatment (IV chemo due a break soon) awaiting a scan. Anyone in a similar situation been insured? Trying to get enough info so we can filter before he speaks them....

  • Bad news I'm afraid regarding travel insurance.

    I have melanoma that spread to the lymph nodes. Not currently undergoing treatment and no further treatment planned. In remission. 

    I tried every single 'specialist' firm on the Travel Adviser Directory. For those who don't know, this is a directory designed to help people with a serious medical condition find travel insurance. Each of them either refused to cover me, or quoted amounts no lower than £900 for a 2 week trip to the USA. I called BIBA who, after 40 minutes, put me through to Staysure, who offered me the lowest quote I would ever find of £650. This policy had such a high excess that it would only be worth claiming in the event of a major incident.

    To paraphrase Delboy, the insurance companies that like to say "yes" said "on your bike!".

    In the end, I went with Virgin Atlantic for travel insurance which cost me about £150. However, they won't cover for anything related to my cancer. This option is not ideal for anyone, especially anyone on cancer treatment, but is the best I could find at this time.

    Hopefully Boots and Insurewith will resume offering their medical travel insurance soon. 

  • Thank you.  Good advice. Ive decided to leave it for now until things settle down and take the chance on losing our deposit.