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Recommended Travel Insurance

  • 250 replies
  • 128 subscribers

Hi everyone

As it can be time consuming looking through existing posts for travel insurance recommendations I thought it'd be a good idea to try and keep all recommendations in one place.

With that in mind I thought I'd ask that when you've found an insurance company that provided you with cover at a reasonable cost you posted that recommendation here.

If you could put a little bit of additional information eg. whether you got single trip or annual, cover for a cruise, worldwide, etc along with anything else that you think others would find helpful when they are researching that would be great.

All the recommendations come from community members and are not recommendations from Macmillan. Please make sure you do your own research as to whether they are suitable for you.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to chellesimo

    Did you answer yes or no to the terminal illness question .I told them (saga) quoted me £888 I’ve always had them but can’t afford that .

  • Hi and welcome to the travel insurance group

    When you reply to a post it automatically puts your response last so, you need to put the name of the person you're replying to at the start of your reply so they know you're asking them a question. If you can tell me who this was meant for I'll 'tag' them so they know you've asked a question.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you to everyone for the help .Know what I’m doing this weekend .X

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to latchbrook

    So sorry rubbish at this sort of stuff .It was chellesimo .Thanks

  • Hi 

    That's great news that you've managed to get decent cover for a decent price with Saga.

      has recently joined the group and wants to ask you the following question

    "Did you answer yes or no to the terminal illness question.I told them (saga) quoted me £888 I’ve always had them but can’t afford that."

    and I was hoping you could help.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • Just arranged annual multi trip insurance covering the USA with Holidaysafe Insurance. I have previously been with them but last year was diagnosed with breast cancer, had chemotherapy,  mastectomy, axilary node clearance and radiotherapy. Cost of insurance £112 which is only £12 more than when I last arranged it in 2017

    I didn't even bother ringing any other companies as I was totally happy with that quote

  • Hi Mic19

    Sorry for the late reply, I don’t seem to have received any notifications, and have only just come across this by chance this morning.

    To answer your question, No I did not tick the terminal box. I am incurable but have been stable for 4 years so I do not class myself as terminal. What I have found useful as well is to leave booking the insureance closer to the time of the cruise. For instance we have booked another cruise for June and my oncology appointment is in May, so I won’t book the insurance until after that appointment. Then the question of “are any hospital appointments due before the holiday” box is not ticked either. Now I know that if at my appointment it ends up I have to have treatment and I cannot go on the cruise I may lose the money I have paid, or I may be able to postpone the holiday for another time. But this seems like a much better way to do it for me. 

    Another point to make that may help others, is that I hadn’t looked at Saga before because I am under 50 so didn’t think I could get insurance with them, but my husband is 52 so we put his name as the main insured person which then covered me on the same policy. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • FormerMember

    Hi, new herr and looking for recommended insurer's for travel. Already have a 5 day Disney Paris trip booked for my daughter's 5th and quotes are £1000! Surely there's better out there, it's France not a war zone!

  • Hi without any info as to what type of cancer and prognosis its hard for people to offer advice other than some general advice about trawling to see who offers the most reasonable cost for the cover you need.

    Here is something I posted on another query today, costs were very reasonable less than £40 for a couple, 8 nights in the canary islands 

    Hi, in the past I have used Eurotunnel Insurance but they have changed the areas they cover, but I believe mainland Europe is all they cover now, so should be ok. The only ask a couple of questions which are - has the doctor advised you not to travel so make sure your file is marked fit to travel and have you been given a terminal diagnosis, if you can answer these questions to their satisfaction you and your cancer are covered. Or that's how it worked last year when I used them.

    Good luck and hope you get sorted as its a pain trawling around


    we all know this is a roller coaster ride, where we ride blind, never knowing where the highs and lows are
  • FormerMember

    Hi there - my first post!

    Some background on the roller coaster we've been on. My 54 year old wife was diagnosed with breast cancer just over 2 years ago, and then in November 2017 was diagnosed with a glioblastoma. It was initially Stage 2/3 (treated with surgery, radio, chemo) then it grew shockingly rapidly up to May 2018 (maybe to Stage 4). It then started shrinking as we saw in the July and Nov scans after changing chemo, procuring cannabis oil and changing diet (Rainbow Diet). She's been feeling pretty well in the main, and the next scan in 2 weeks' time, so fingers crossed. Re insurance, the neuro-oncology nurse tells me they would not use the word "terminal", but they would say she is now on palliative treatment because it is not curable (i.e. "terminal", I would have thought!?). 

    In 2018 we managed several trips within Europe and also to Turkey and Hong Kong (where she lived as a child!). Boots Travel Insurance charged us typically £50-100 and £150 for HK which seemed very reasonable. This year we want to continue with travelling (e.g. Maldives is on the list, maybe Cuba), but we learnt Boots have recently changed their policy and will no longer insure us because she is on Steroids (Dex). Other companies so far have quoted £3000 and £5600 or else refused to quote.

    First a comment - I thought it worth saying that, if you are not on steroids, Boots could be worth a look.

    And questions - any other ideas for other companies to try in this case? Any advice?

    What are the risks of her not being insured for cancer, say if we stay within Europe with E111 - I figure even if she has a seizure and collapses again, the E111 arrangement should be able to get her back on her feet OK enough to fly home at least. Thoughts?