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Recommended Travel Insurance

  • 250 replies
  • 130 subscribers

Hi everyone

As it can be time consuming looking through existing posts for travel insurance recommendations I thought it'd be a good idea to try and keep all recommendations in one place.

With that in mind I thought I'd ask that when you've found an insurance company that provided you with cover at a reasonable cost you posted that recommendation here.

If you could put a little bit of additional information eg. whether you got single trip or annual, cover for a cruise, worldwide, etc along with anything else that you think others would find helpful when they are researching that would be great.

All the recommendations come from community members and are not recommendations from Macmillan. Please make sure you do your own research as to whether they are suitable for you.


  • That's great to hear what a competitive quote you've got and thanks very much for taking the time to share this with the group.

    I hope you have a lovely holiday Slight smile

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • I also just got a very decent annual multi-trip insurance with insurewith. £300 including extra Covid cover (required for my first destination), and covering the US and Americas.

  • Hi, I found a website called 'All clear' for travel insurance specialising in pre existing medical conditions.   Couldn't believe when I got an annual policy for less than £250.  Unfortunately like a fool I wanted to look into it, now the quote is over £600.  However I have found 'Avanti' with a great quote for either single or multi trip policy.  Has anyone use these before and how were they? Would prefer to go with a company that's recommended. 

  • Hi

    I don't have any personal experience with either of the travel insurers you've mentioned so had a look for previous posts which mention them.

    Clicking here will take you to previous posts mentioning All Clear and clicking here to those posts which mention Avanti.


    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"


    Hello Everyone :-) Having been refused at least 4 times by the biggest specialist cancer Insurers lately and quoted an extortionate rate of almost £200 by All Clear for a 7 day trip to spain???? and who by the way didn't seem to know what they were talking about, to some other companies who were quite frankly rude when I could tell they were reading from an Automated message to tell me, sorry I cannot help you any further today........:-(

    Oh and refuse to tell you why! Not nice at all, but I know the reason, they just don't want to say it! CUP! Cancer with an unknown primary is one of the hardest Cancers to get any Insurance cover for! Most Companies won't touch you once they know the Cancer has spread from an Unknown Primary which is very common for people with Head & Neck Cancer

    I had an Unknown Primary but the Specialist strongly suspected it started at the back of the throat somewhere near the tonsil which then moved to my lymph Nodes in the Neck. I had a Right Neck Dissection and had 60 Lymph Nodes removed, 15 were found to be cancerous. I had 2 rounds of 8 hour Chemo and 30 days of Radiation. I completed All treatment in September 2019 and now only have to have 4 monthly check ups as an outpatient with the cameras and I'm on my way home :-) SO:- For Insurance purposes, I have been cancer free (having had it removed) for over 2 years, 3 in September.

    I'm Insured at the 1-3 years Cancer free Rate. Yesterday,

    I contacted Aviva, mostly known for their Brilliant Car Insurance, I know it's brilliant as that's when you really know the true worth of an Insurance Company when you have to make a claim right? :-) which I've had to do with them in the past and they were Amazing.

    So... gave me FULL Comprehensive Travel Insurance with extra Luggage Cover for 7 nights at the total cost of £64.50 I received my travel documents immediately via email and the paper documents will arrive in the post within a few days. The Documents are clear and precise of the exact documented Cancer Cover.

    The staff were amazing, friendly, efficient and professional especially 'Mohammed' and 'Suzanne' I will NEVER bother with another Insurance company again, I will be straight back to Aviva for a trip I may want to book for October this year otherwise I would have got an annual policy which I can still purchase in October if I decide to go.

    They make sure you have all the relevant telephone numbers you need for when you travel e.g.

    Aviva UK Claims telephone number

    Aviva Emergency Assist 24 Hour Number for outside UK

    Aviva Customer Services Number UK

    I cannot tell you the relief of obtaining this Insurance for my forthcoming trip next month. Here is the link Guys, just give them a ring, you'll be in safe hands :-) Oh and no, I don't work for them ha ha

    If anyone else gets the perfect service I've just received then I'll be happy, just wanted to spread some good news for a change :-)


    Aviva: Insurance, Savings, Investments, Retirement and Health

  • Hi Gill,

    Thats quite a story and I’m sure many of us will have had similar experiences when trying to get good cover.

    I’m so glad that you persevered and that in the end Aviva came up trumps for you.

    Your experience will give hope to those who are struggling in a similar way.

    Keep up the good fight and enjoy your trip.


  • After being diagnosed with Leiomyosarcoma  (LMS) in October 2021 and deciding that it is now time to restart my holidays I was dismayed to find that my current insurer would not cover the LMS.

    Numerous phone calls to many different companies followed with astronomical prices quoted for single trips and some pretty eye-watering ones for annual multi-trips.

    I was pleased therefore to eventually find AllClear. I have now purchased an Annual Gold Plus policy for both myself and my husband with golf cover included but more importantly, I am covered for anything associated with my a cost just above £400.

    Unfortunately we all find ourselves in a group we'd rather not be and at times it seems we are penalised accordingly, that said I am so pleased to be a member of this group. 

  • I've just taken out an annual multi-trip policy with Insurance With which covers me and my partner.  I've got metastatic breast cancer and am on targeted drug therapy.  I was able to speak to someone on the phone to ensure that I answered all the questions correctly as the website didn't allow me to answer fully.

    The policy covers my health condition and was, relatively, cheap we thought at £132 for the year.  We were paying about £90 on our previous policies so this doesn't seem like a huge price hike.

  • Just tried Boots and they no longer offer Travel Insurance

  • Hi everyone,

    We took out travel insurance with Jet2 (underwritten by Rock) when we booked our family holiday in February. I declared my husband’s melanoma as a pre-existing condition and paid an extra premium to insure it.

    Within the last month, my husband has had epideratropic metastases removed and his staging increased to 3C. After a CT which revealed 2 areas needing further investigation, we are awaiting further scans. 

    I rang the insurance company to declare the change in circumstances and they refused to maintain cover for his melanoma. They also refused a refund, stating the insurance was valid…..just not for melanoma!!!

    We had no intention of travelling without insurance for melanoma. I had 7 refusals from companies others have kindly recommended on here. I rang Puffin Insurance, completed the medical screening over the phone and they offered him insurance, including his melanoma, for £41!

    I was worried by the radically different result, so I read and re-read the policy wording and triple checked with them over the phone! It was explained that as an insurer, they are happy to insure pre-existing conditions which require further investigation and treatment. However, they would have a problem insuring if the investigations were to diagnose a wholly new condition.

    I hope this is helpful. Travel insurance is a real minefield.xxxx