Struggling to cope with mum’s terminal cancer

  • 13 replies
  • 24 subscribers

Good morning. 

I am feeling a bit lost and unsure of how to help myself with how I am feeling. 

In February this year, my mum was diagnosed with incurable, stage 4 lung cancer. It quickly took hold and she has not been able to do anything other than sit in the living room chair since around April. She has never smoked, always led a healthy life and I just can’t understand why it has chosen her to attack. 

I feel so angry at the world. How could this happen to my 65 year old mum? She won’t see my brother or I get married, or become and grandparent etc. Cancer has ripped through our lives and I don’t know how to deal with the day-to-day as a result. 

I’ve got a very demanding job which involves a lot of pressure, hours, workload etc and was already struggling with OCD, anxiety etc even before this struck. 

Even getting up, getting showered and ready for the day feels like an insurmountable task. 

i could continue typing for ages but those are the main points I suppose. 

I’ve contacted charities, have spoken with family and friends and paused work for the time being and I am waiting on a therapy referral. 

Just want some words of wisdom from anyone who understands as I don’t know anyone who is in a similar situation. 

Sending love and strength to anyone else who feels this way too. 

  • Things are not looking great fordad as the lymphoma has spread all around the liver and intestines and due to all his other conditions he’s not tolerated the chemo to well
    So they won’t be treating his cancer
    They have said he is palliative care and they think it is only weeks we have with him
    mee had so much hope that he would overcome this 

  • Hi, I’m in my early 30s and my Mum has been diagnosed with incurable breast cancer that has spread to her liver and brain. 
    I feel every word you’ve written, there’s really no way to accurately describe how isolating a feeling and experience this is - even with company. 

    I’m also struggling with getting my mum to leave the house or do anything other than sit in her chair, its both comforting and heartbreaking to see others trying to do the same.

    The anger, the sadness, the despair - it hurts so much. You aren’t alone in that and it’s justified. 

  • My dad passed away 21/04/24 

    can’t get my head around it can’t believe he’s gone Sob