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Just wondering if anyone has any experience of FLAG IDA?

I am due to have it soon and was wondering about side effects, how long it takes for neutrophils to return and how long people sent in hospital?

Thanks in advance!!!

  • Hi nbck112

    My wife had FLAG IDA during her treatment for AML back in 2019.

    This is a very strong drug to treat blood cancers witha view to reach full remission. 

    My wife has informed me that it did have side effects for her in respect of frequent diahorhea, extreme tiredness increased temperature and an overwhelming feeling of I'll health.

    Of coarse, every patient is different and you may well not suffer all the effects.

    Her consultant did inform her of these side effects prior  to before giving the treatment and I am sure yours will do the same. Try and research online for more information and ask your team as many questions as you feel necessary.

    Her white blood count took a little longer than normal chemotherapy she had prior to flag ida to recover and she was in Hospital for approx 7 weeks.

    She has now had a Stem Cell transplant in August 2021 following a relapse in 2020 and is doing very well indeed. There have been very difficult times behind her now but these are sadly unavoidable on the treatment road to recovery.

    I wish you all the best of luck on your journey, you can do this.


  • Hi again nbck112

    Just another addition to my last post.

    I am not 100% sure and you will need to ask your team, by receiving this drug it resulted in my wife being Informed that I future, any transfusions following this treatment that may be needed in respect of platelets/blood then these will need to be irradiated. This I believe to be the norm and you will be given a card and information to keep. My wife carries her card with her in her purse in case of emergency.

  • I had Flag Ida after I relapsed in February 2019. It is definitely much more powerful than the 7 +3 chemo I had when I was diagnosed originally with Aml. Mine was over 5 days and I felt a bit sick sometimes during the treatment. It took about one month for my counts to recover and I think I had some transfusions, I did also have one hospital admission with high temperatures. Once my counts recovered I felt great again and luckily it put me into full remission to go forward with a bone marrow transplant in May 2019. 
    Hope all goes well for you x


  • Hi Mark

    Your journey sound very similar to my wife's. She too had quite a bit of nausea and very high temp. Also a couple  of platelet and blood transfusions.

    It's true as you say after few weeks she felt so much better. 

  • Yes Nick, it looks like relapse happens quite often after chemo only, but at least those months of remission helped us get stronger again . Hopefully relapse is less likely over time with transplant, how is your wife doing?

  • Hi Mark

    She's doing very well, sct on 4 Aug last year, home after 3 weeks.

    Had weekly check for only one week, then to fortnightly for 2 months, now only telephone consultations and local blood tests.

    Amazingly no issues, infections at all, a little tired for a while but good now. Does have an itchy scalp whilst hair growing back and a little bit of dry eye but nothing to worry about.

    Being slowly weaned off the ciclosporin and should be off them in a month or two.

    Long may it continue.

  • That’s brilliant , sounds like she is doing really well!