Own cell stem cell transplant

  • 1 reply
  • 10 subscribers

I'm having transplant soon using my own nuked cells is the recovery any different from donated cells.

Just want to say thank to you all, for the first time in ages I don't feel alone xx

  • Hi again Jackie and well done navigating over to the group.

    I would be safe to say that both an Auto (own cells) and Allo (donor cells) are essentially the same recovery.... fatigue, possibly loss of appetite, bowel challenges.... but most of this will pass once you are home. Both types make you open to infection until your counts are up and your immune system has kicked in so infection control is important,

    The massive advantage an Auto SCT has over an Allo SCT is your immune system will not see your cells as an attack and try and kill them off. In an Allo SCT this is a challenge, actually a challenge that can bring complications.

    Do you know the conditioning treatment you will be having to kill your immune system?

    Understanding stem cell transplants using your own cells (autologous) - PDF here.


    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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