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Posted this earlier on another page but I thought I would share it.

Good news from hospital today as my bloods are all still good so the team in Plymouth have said I can now start sharing appointments between them and my normal hospital in Exeter. Hopefully this is the start of my moving on to the next phase of my recovery but I won’t lie and it comes with a huge amount of sadness.
Derriford NHS Plymouth have not just been my life over the past year, they have gone over and beyond to save my life and for that I can never thank them enough and my family and I will be forever grateful.
The past three years for me have been a constant processing of appointments and treatments within the NHS and I have never once doubted their dedication and professionalism in dealing with both my family and I.
To see people nationwide now out clapping and showing their appreciation for what the NHS does is absolutely wonderful and long overdue but it shouldn’t have taken a crisis like this for people to sit up and realise that we are truly blessed to have it but also it’s doing what it’s always done, saving peoples lives, not just today, this week, month or year but since it was started over 70 yrs ago.
Sat outside now following a family BBQ toasting marshmallows on the log fire. Thank you NHS, thank you. Heart️Heart️

  • FormerMember

    Hi Markyflem, I echo your sentiments to the NHS my wife's treatment at Heartlands Hospital Birmingham over the last 2 years has been amazing so caring and friendly they have gone over and above to make her comfortable. Health care workers will need our support after this is over there will be a lot nurse's, Doctors, care workers who will be burnt out physically and mentally with a type of PTSD. Good news your bloods are ok always an anxious time waiting for results. I didn't think I would notice the Airport being virtually shut down so quiet now it's amazing we used have a plane land or take off every 2 or 3 minutes now 2 a day maybe. Enjoy the weather while it lasts hope you don't run out of marshmallows lets hope people take notice of what the government is telling us stay at home protect the NHS

  • I so agree, I wish everyone did what is needed and stayed at home! Sadly there are always numbskulls around thinking it doesn’t apply to them, which actually impinges on us all as it means lockdown will have to be longer! There are regular irate posts locally on our town f/b page about mostly teenagers meeting up! Think the message is taking time getting to them....

    I hope isolation isn’t getting to anyone? We just have a bit of a problem deciding what day it is, as we are normally doing 2 regular days a week volunteering and of course the museum is shut.

    And my clapping for the NHS includes all who keep us fed, watered, and safe, including All those hospital porters and cleaners!

    hugs xxx


  • , I think everyone who have been on the SCT journey can totally get your feelings and overwhelming appreciation for our NHS.

    I will inset the Dermatology, Oncology and Heamatology units  in Inverness for getting me through all these 20 years.

    Then The Beatson in Glasgow for getting me through my two Allo SCTs it was a long 4 years journey, doing the 8-9 hr round trip countless times covering 1000s of miles and over 60 days in Glasgow.

    , I completely agree with you - the NHS are heroes and let’s hope once this has calmed down that they get the support and appreciation they all deserve.

    Keep well everyone - 25 days and counting - this can be done.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Someone posted today about a caravan convoy on the M5 heading southwest, one caravan overturned with tow car, causing the inevitable problems, even a dog running around loose. In my opinion all people concerned should be arrested, fined a vast amount, caravan crushed (it would be anyway!) and car impounded together with all other cars towing caravans!! I think someone came up with a new title for these idiots, covidiots, and they are the very people who will endanger people like all of you in this group! It makes me so incredibly cross!

    rant over, I will duly be ready to applaud at 8 tonight.....

    Hugs xxx


  • Crush the cars as well, preventing them from repeating it again too soon. Maybe!!!! Remember to let the passengers out first.!!!!!!!

  • Yes, remember to get passengers out only to arrest them and put them behind bars!!!!

    hugs xxx


  • It is really insensitive heading down to the South West as well. A disproportionate amount of elderly living in Devon and Cornwall, many of whom would be on the extremely vulnerable list. I just don’t understand why someone would want something like that on their conscience? 

    I can usually hear the M5 in the distance but it’s been blissfully quiet these last few weeks - small mercies! It’s only the thick few who are not doing their bit.


  • The lady apparently driving was already disqualified and the supposed passenger was drunk but they left the scene and were later arrested which is why I think the drunk was probably the driver and why they left the scene. 
    I’m afraid there was a convoy of them, not good. 


  • Everything we do in life has concequences, there time will come!!!!!
