Checking up on everyone

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Hi everyone. Just a shout out to see how everyone is. I managed to speak to my doctor on Friday and she has prescribed new antidepressants and sleeping tablets. The sleeping tablets don't seem to be having any effect and it's too early to know if the antidepressants will make a difference. I seem to wake up at 4.30 every morning. I finally got up at 7am. I, like everyone else, have so much going through my mind at the moment. I've been getting bad headaches and my sight seems to be getting worse. Anyway enough about me. I hope this finds you all as well as can be expected. Take care and stay safe. X

  • Moomy, you weren’t one of the many motorhomes parked on Exmouth seafront yesterday were you? It’s was full of them sat with their tables on the path having lunch. 
    On a serious note a person was killed in Devon yesterday in a jet ski accident, he was from Buckinghamshire nearly 200 miles sad as it is you’ve got to ask why. 


  • Hi Mark, 

    far too far from here to Exmouth! But yes, Bucks is our county, and yes, very sad.

    Hugs xxx


  • Not wanting to inflame the football discussion I have a dilemma that is bothering me and would love to learn your (unbiased!) thoughts.  I am a season ticket holder at..... Spurs.  I go with my 16 year old son.  Renewal forms are coming out soon and the darker side of my head says not to renew and 'why bother' which I know will mean you go off the list and later renewing will not be possible.  Just to clarify the 'why bother' has nothing to do with the quality of the football but will I be around or able to use.  My wife is quite cross with me and says renew as we made financial provision and says make a decision the following year. I guess through to Nov or Dec might be difficult for me to go but have some good friends willing to inflict pain upon themselves and will take my son till I might be able to go.

    I suspect I am being negative on this and should take a positive approach. Renew or not renew?


  • Hi Mike,

    I was reading the other day that Spurs had offered a local hospital a number of free tickets for the staff on the frontline as a thank you for all their hard word during this epidemic. Apparently a spokesman for the NHS refused the offer saying  he felt the staff had witnessed enough misery already this year. 

    I personally would renew as I don’t think fans will be allowed this side of Christmas so those games should be refunded. If you don’t then you would have to go back on the waiting list which might take a while. 


  • Ha, Mike,

    sadly my thoughts are very biased, neither of us can a)stand the game and b) can’t understand the hype and expenses that go with it! (Hubs was a rugby man but doesn’t even follow that as he says it’s headed (!) the same way as football) 

    Tennis? Yes, for 2 weeks each year when it doesn’t get cancelled for football (!) ..... F1? Yes......

    Hahaha! But sorry, that doesn’t answer your question at all.....

    Hugs xxx


  • Aww, how can you say that!!  But yes all very commercial these days.

    All thoughts / views taken on board!


  • Mark,

    Having watched a few very poor games before the lockdown I think misery is probably a fair summary! We all know that following any team in whatever sport is not just about the glory... or at least that is what I tell my son.  Thanks for the thoughts and yes I had not factored in that some games later in year might not take place so a refund.

    Thanks, Mike

  • Hi Mike,

    the expense of an annual ticket without games would surely be carried forward to when the games can begin with audiences? Most companies doing this type of activity are doing just that, the selling of tokens/whatever, are on the understanding that they won’t begin operating till permission for use has been granted; for example, our local health spa are selling 10%extra tokens (giving an extra 10%of value for spa treatments, stays etc) for a limited time but they have a full 12 month availability plus extension if needed, should the spa still not be allowed to open. 

    Assuming you would benefit from this sort of facility, I’d go for it.

    Hugs xxx


  • Hi Mike,

    I would renew your season ticket. I think it makes economical sense - could you split it between the family/friends - I know a Spurs fan who does this. Also, I imagine the club will look after its supporters so may provide a rebate if games have to take place behind closed doors. I also think it makes sense from a personal point of view. It will remind you what you are working towards, give you something to look forward to, these are really important things during tough times. Of course, if there are money worries you may be forced into a difficult decision, but if you can afford it, I would say definitely do it.

    All the best


  • As a Scot - football Joy but Rugby Rugby football I can deal with Thumbsup

    Our Nicola is doing her daily update at 12.30 (Always before the London ones - not that it’s political!!!) but she will confirm out phase 1 pathway and word is she will also give a framework for shielding.

    Oldest Daughter and family live South of Guildford so they thought about a run to the South Coast yesterday - had one look and came home to their back garden.

    On am interesting note. Son in law and Oldest Daughter started a private seniors At Home Care Business over 10 years back in Edinburgh. Now 8 UK offices, 1000+ clients, 300 staff and not one case of COVID in any of the clients or staff.......... even had 5000lts of 80% hand sanitiser produced, bottled and distributed across the UK offices..... he is expecting to get even more busy as Care Homes are now under so much scrutiny Cry

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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