Hard decisions

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Went to my daughters appt with her stemcell consultant to be told a biopsy they done on her leg 4 months after her transplant shows the cancer is still there , so my daughter has got another appt with her consultant this Thursday where we will be discussing her having a 2 nd stemcell transplant from my stemcells again which they still have some saved in the lab from the first time they collected off me where I was a half match , problem is now my daughter doesn’t no if she wants to go through it again as the last time up to this day she is still very ill and was in hospital for 4 months I think she has become very disheartend

  • Good morning  and first a ((hug))

    I totally get the emotional turmoil your daughter, you and all the family are going through as I have been in the exact same place.

    First a question, are her team saying another complete SCT or a DLI (Donor Lymphocyte infusion)?


    I had a number DLIs using my brothers cells following both my SCTs - it did not help my first SCT but saved my second.

    If it is a second SCT then some serious discussion will have to be had getting some clear information from her team and then making an informed decision and moving forward with no regrets.  

    I coped with my first SCT well and did not have any major issues but was clearly told that the next and final one would be worse.

    My team were very clear, actually blunt and to the point. Back on 2015 this was my only option and was clearly told that if I did not go through with it and if it was not successful I  had a year left as my condition would just take over.

    She needs to ask some very clear questions when she meets her team.

    My quality of life following my second SCT was very challenging but I am now over 5 years post treatment and doing great. Have any regrets?..... for me my top most aim was to live and live as best as I could regardless of how hard that journey was going to be ((hugs))

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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  • Hi Kind,

    I am so sorry to read your update, this must be an incredibly difficult time for you.

    I was in a position where I had to decide whether to go ahead with an allo. This was 3 months after I had done the auto, so in my experience, it is possible to have two SCTs relatively close to one another, but I will also say that my auto went very well and I did not have the complications that your daughter has had, meaning I went into the allo still in a relatively decent health position. 

    Is there any scope to delay the decision a little? I think some extra time would be very helpful to properly think through things and hopefully give your daughter some time to build up strength again? I would also try and get a very clear idea about what the alternatives are, at least then you are in a very clear position to understand the decisions.

    I’m really hoping things can turn a better corner for you and your daughter soon.
