SCT Success Stories

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  • 22 subscribers

Hi there,

I was diagnosed with classical HL in October 2016.  Had 2 cycles of ABVD and got a clear scan.  Had 4 further cycles of AVD - clear scan.  Less than a year later, 7cm 'mass' in my chest.  Lit up like a Christmas tree, as did a lymph node in my neck.  Had a large biopsy (around 3cm) of the mass in my chest and it came back negative for lymphoma (thank God right?!) but left us in limbo.  Further scan, lymph node in neck still lit up so this week i'll have that biopsied followed by another PET scan next week.  My dr says if I have relapsed, it with be GDP chemo for me plus SCT.

I guess I'm after success stories?  There might already be a success story link if someone can point me in that direction?  Has anyone had GDP?  What was it like?  I head your hair may not fall out.... is this true?  Is there anyone out there a few years down the line and living the life of their dreams.  

I've been handling this really well and taken advantage of this 'limbo' stage that we've been in for the last three months.... but now it is coming to an end with this new biopsy and scan... I'm getting really scared and starting to lose hope.

Any advice would be most welcome.



  • Good morning Sheri  - it’s now the day after the night before!!!!  

    Based on the fact that it’s two years until the next series of Line of Duty starts - you can have further words with your Consultant Joy

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Mike! 

    Indeed I shall, fella, indeed I shall!  I'm not planning on floating up the Lagan in a bubble any time soon, so they'd better follow the treatment protocols to the letter.  To the Letter! 

    I've got news for them: I'm not going to miss series 6 either! :D 

    Sheri xx

  • Bump for those looking at a Stem Cell Transplant.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Bump for those starting the Stem Cell Transplant Journey.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • A good ‘bump’

    And news too; daughter and her housemate drove the Scotland north coast 500 and got so fed up with wet clothes (and a wet dog too) coming south again, they ‘just’ drove right home! A 12 hour journey.....but she said they wanted to get dry and enjoy the couple of days of sun we are still having here in the south before starting work again!

    hugs xxx


  • Ah moomy, the positives and negatives of the North Coast 500.

    On a good trip this is what she could have seen.

    ..... but she may have missed this sign at the border Wink

    ....or as us Scots see it...... Joy

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hahaha, I know, Mike! One of her photos shows the 7 month old pup enjoying walking up a hill on Skye, the next him being carried down wrapped in a survival blanket against the weather!

    i used to climb a lot on the Lakes and often joked about seeing all 4 seasons not just in a day, but in a couple of hours! 

    However, she has admitted to saying ‘Wow’ an awful lot! 

    Hugs xxx


  • Beautiful photos of the North Coast 500!  We did it a few years ago: flew into Glasgow, train to Mallaig, over the sea to Skye and then picked up a hire car.  Up the left-hand side, over the top and back down to Inverness. 

    We were blessed with fabulous weather (it was 30 degrees on Skye one day) and clear views across to Harris and Lewis.  

    Stunning scenery.  This country of ours is so beautiful!  Glorious B&Bs and the best seafood I've ever eaten.  Ah...scallops...whatever happened to them? Sigh...

    Another milestone today!  Dance has always been my preferred form of exercise.  I was still doing a ballet class only 2 weeks before I was diagnosed with AML!  Not strong enough for ballet yet, but I went back to my first tap class in 3 years this morning!  A small class of four of us.  A fast class, but I only needed a 5 minute rest halfway through, so more progress.  I am supposed to do load-bearing exercise because my bones have become soft with a year of steroids. 

  • Well done in getting out and persevering, you will totally feel the benefits over time.

    There are a number of things that mean so much more to us after getting through SCT and one is visiting the West Coast..... we will fill a flask and drive over to Gairloch to have Fish and Chips and wait for the sunset.

    The first picture above is looking down Slioch to Achnasheen towards Loch Maree.

    Amazing sunsets up with us the past few nights.

    This was Loch Ness last night (not my photo)........ just wow.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • We are so luck in the UK with some wonderful scenery and amazing weather (sometimes!) 

    I think you’ve had good weather up in Scotland ever since daughter decided to leave, Mike! 

    Hugs xxx
