Navigating appointments with consultants

  • 2 replies
  • 2 subscribers

Hi. My son (14) has just been diagnosed with lymphoma. We don't know type or details yet but will do very soon. My question is about navigating face-to-face appointments with doctors with my son in the room. Of course he's old enough to know what's going on, but there are some questions I'd like to ask without him there - for example how vulnerable is his identical twin brother to developing the same condition?

What do other people do? Do you ask your teen to sit in the waiting room for part of the appointment? I'm not sure my son would even agree to do that and even if he did, I'm concerned he'd think we were cconcealing something bad from him.

Any thoughts, please? Thank you!

  • Hi PJ72, so sorry you find yourself here in this club nobody wants to join. 

    My daughter was diagnosed 20 months ago now. 22 chemo cycles, 3 surgeries and 15 sessions of radiotherapy later, we are hopefully coming to the end of treatment.

    I completely understand that there are some questions you want to ask without your son being there. Does he have a named CNS nurse? Could give that person - or someone else on the oncology team - a call when your son is not around? At school, possibly, if he's well enough to be going at present. I'm sure they will understand and may be able to answer your questions or direct you to someone who can.

    Very best wishes for your son's successful treatment. Pray  Sending love, strength and a big hug. x

  • Hi Cherry, and thank you so much for your reply. Gosh your daughter has been through the mill: I hope that she will soon be cancer-free and will remain so forever.

    We don't yet have oncology contacts but you're right, they'll probably be the best people to ask. (His cancer was discovered when he had his 4cm (!!!) tonsil removed and also had a biopsy of the lump behind it. So we've mostly been talking to ENT people so far.) I know when I had cancer (breast cancer) my named nurse was a really useful point of contact. Hopefully we'll have someone just as helpful for my son. Guess I just need to wait a little.

    With heartfelt thanks,
