Guilt and late diagnosis

  • 2 replies
  • 3 subscribers

Hello, I have just found out that my son probably has melanoma under his nail. I could have done something much sooner, as it looks ad anced, but dismissed symptoms, even the cancer ran through my mind I though he was too young and it is also rare. I am not coping with the guilt but want desperately to support him, yet I feel a chasm has opened between us, even though we normally have a very close relationship.  Please help me I am desperate. Thank you

  • Hi Primrose, welcome to the forum.  Please don't feel guilty - I think it's something we all go through (my daughter has a rare and aggressive cancer) . The 'Why didn't I notice?' 'What did I do wrong?' and 'Why didn't I make them seek help earlier?' are the kind of questions we've all asked ourselves. But they're not helpful. I'm sure there's nothing you could have done differently and you need to focus on where you are now and how you move forwards and support your son.

    It's very early days, I'm sure he's in shock the same as you are. That may seem to temporarily affect your relationship, but it won't last. Just make sure he knows you are there and ready to listen when he's ready to talk and to go with him to appointments and treatments. 

    Believe me, I do know how you feel. This is the very worst time, at the beginning. Once a definite diagnosis is made and a treatment plan in place, you will be better.

    Sending strength, love, very best wishes for your son's successful treatment...and a hug. x