New here. I have 32 yo daughter with terminal cancer

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Hi all,

my daughter has end stage ovarian cancer and is bed bound and on tpn for nutrition. She’s still being treated with a targeted drug called lumakras but she is having a setback and has pneumonia. She has a habit of bouncing back and has been in worse situations and is now at home with good 24/7 nursing care. It’s so heartbreaking as she was engaged to be married in October. Her original ovarian cyst was in 2020 and thought to be benign.  She had scans every 6 months but in Feb 2023 she had a more serious cancer - the first was stage 0 and she had no spread and was given 95% never coming back. I’m having trouble as a mother understanding how and why this happened. I have a lot of guilt for possibly missing signs and also my husband is an oncologist. I’m glad she had a few good years after the 2020 thing but this is very devastating and I don’t feel like anyone can understand my emotional pain I’m glad to be a part of this group even tho I live in Virginia Beach  , VA US 

my grandparents were from Birmingham 

  • Hi Geoergiadawg welcome to the forum.

    I am beyond sorry to hear what is happening for you and your family. Sometimes there are no answers as to why things happen as they do no matter how hard we seek these answers.  I dont think you should be beating yourself up about missing something, it sounds like you have been there and been as available for your daughter as you could as a parent. Hubby will be upset, but he needn't be, this is his daughter and not a random patient and that makes it very very different for him, so he need not be hard on himself either. Your husband will know more than most that some of these Cancers can be very sneaky and hide until they have done enormous damage already.

    No ammount of words are going to make any of this any better for you and I send many caring thoughts across the miles and some huge big hugs.     


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  • Hi Georgiadawg, I'm so very sorry to read about what you're going through. As mothers, all we want to do is to protect our children and it's beyond heartbreaking when something happens that is totally outside your control and you can't 'make it right'. 

    My daughter was diagnosed with an aggressive breast cancer 14 months ago. A second tumour was found through the staging. She had 8 cycles of brutal chemo, 3 surgeries (including a heart op, the chemo affected her heart). This was followed by 15 sessions of radiotherapy. She is now halfway through a further 14 chemo cycles.

    I retired shortly before her diagnosis so am able to support and care - but it's so very hard, isn't it. I didn't cope well at all at first, didn't want to talk to anyone. Just wanted to shut the two of us away from the world. But that's not real life. I still have bad days but am much more stable now - it sounds ridiculous but it does become a 'new normal' - tests, oncologists, chemo, etc. I think the guilt is with us all - could we have done more? But the answer is no, you're doing everything possible to support your daughter.

    We try to do nice things together when daughter feels well enough, she doesn't want cancer to define her.

    This forum is great for support, I'm glad you've joined us. Sending you and your daughter love, strength and the biggest hug. xxx