My 25 year old daughter was diagnosed with breast cancer 12ish weeks ago

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Hi,my beautiful daughter was diagnosed with breast cancer 12ish   weeks ago, absolute shock tbh,she had her second bout of chemo last Thursday bless her,she feels so poorly and her hairs starting to thin out,hate seeing her like this,its doul destroying,is there any parents going through the same with older children please? 

  • You are not the only one, there are many parents.Stay strong for her

    Love Ghaz 

  • Yes my 35 year old daughter was diagnosed with breast cancer in July. She's had some delays to treatment because of low white cell count. She's about a month behind having just completed the 1st round of her 3rd cycle. It's so worrying everytime there is a delay and I feel useless that there's nothing we can do. Trying to stay strong for her.

  • Yes, this a problem here, they only treat urgent patients immediately and let the cancer to grow with other cases.

  • Hi Janesy, how are things going with your daughter? better I hope. My daughter is 26 and has cancer in her eye socket which has already spread to her lungs. It has all happened very quickly. I understand how difficult it is to feel useless and unable to 'make it right' for  your young adult child. My other children are younger and are struggling. My husband looks like his heart is broken. I just wanted you to know you are not alone and I am here if you need someone who will understand some of the feelings you are having x

  • Sorry to hear this.I lost my 24 year old son and I completely understand what you are going through but support your daughter as much as you can.She needs a lot of support especially from her mum

    Sending you hugs and love x

  • Cancer grows very fast in young adults as compared to old people, don't let them delay the treatment 

  • Thank you, it feels very lonely, doesn't it? Having someone with a similar experience to talk to, really helps. I am so very sorry about your Son. 

    Sending love and hugs back to you xx

  • Next month is his first anniversary but finger crossed your daughter will be fine.What type of cancer she has.Keep getting update from the hospital xx

  • That will be a difficult milestone for you, I hope you have plenty of support. My daughter has, adenoid cystic carcinoma, primary tumour was around her eye, but has now spread to her lungs. Fortunately, the team looking after her are communicating with us constantly, I know this isn't always patients experience. Take care x

  • Stay positive, I know it is a very difficult time but she is in the right place and have been looked after.Things will be better once she starts the treatment x