Petrified Mum of 2

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Thank you for taking the time to read this.

I found a lump in my breast 3 weeks ago and yesterday attended a breast clinic where the consultant told me she was very concerned about my lump. she did a ultrasound, mammogram and biopsy and said it is around 2cm in size and that from her past experience and the way the lump has formed, the way it reacted to the biopsy and how it felt when she took the biopsy she is 99.9% sure it's cancer. I asked her if she thought it could be anything else and she said no. I now have 2 weeks to wait for the results and prognosis. I appreciated her honesty greatly but have now had a completely sleepless night worrying and having awful intrusive thoughts about it having spread or being a secondary cancer. Is it normal that I can't turn off the intrusive thoughts and that I can't stop imagining being told it's everywhere and I've got 3 weeks to live and won't see my children grow up? I don't know how I'm going to sleep for the next 2 weeks or stop the negative thoughts. I would really appreciate any advice. Thank you in advance.

  • Hi Wickham11

    Welcome to the community and I am sorry to hear that you are facing a breast cancer diagnosis.  What you are feeling is perfectly normal.  The wait for results is a scary time.  The best thing you can do is keep yourself busy while waiting for your results.  Try and get out in the fresh air at least once a day even if only for a short while as it can help you forget for a little while at least what you are facing.  I also suggest that you join our Breast Cancer Forum to get support from others you have been through what you are going through.  You don't have to have a confirmed diagnosis of cancer to join.  I'm a member of that forum and we are a friendly bunch.  There is even a thread on there called Awake which you can join anytime during the day or night and we always welcome new members.  Here's the link to the Breast Cancer forum: Breast cancer forum. 

    Breast cancer isn't as much as a death sentence as it was years ago.  As it's one of the more common cancers it heavily researched and they keep coming up with new treatments all the time. I was diagnosed with breast cancer over four years ago and after having chemo, surgery and radiotherapy I made a full recovery.  In the four years since I had breast cancer they've come up with a number of new treatments.

    I would advice you not to google your type of breast cancer as the information on there is years out of date.  Rely on sites such as this one and Breast Cancer Now for your information.  If you want to talk to someone about your situation you could ring the helpline on 0808 808 0000.  The helpline is open from 8 am to 8 pm seven days a week, 365 day a year.

    Wishing you the best of luck with your results and do let us know how you get on.

    Best wishes


    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi there,

    im just a little further along in my journey and actually go in for my surgery on Friday. I would say the waiting and the unknown is really difficult.

    i tried to keep busy and do normal routine things. But those thoughts do creep in, especially at night time.

    its sounds like you have been really vigilant and caught this early. And that’s what you need to focus on! You’ve been proactive and got the medical help quickly.

    i feel like I’ve been waiting FOREVER from 2nd Oct (call back from routine mammogram) to op date. But it is doable. You want them to be thorough and ensure the have all the information to give you and to make the best plan for any treatment you may need.

    Be brave, keep busy - you got this!

  • Hi there and sorry to hear what you are going through. I would say from my experience your thoughs are totally normal as I felt exactly the same, all the same thoughts as you. The waiting for the results i found  was one of the hardest parts but once I was given the results and told the plan it was easier to digest. I found it to be a process and had good days and bad, some days positive and some negative but it defintely feels easier once you actually know what you are dealing with and what is going to happen. 

  • Thank you so much for your response. Everything you’ve suggested makes complete sense and I will definitely take your advice. 
    great to hear a positive story too. 

    thanks x

  • Hello,

    thank you so much for your reply. I really appreciate you taking the time to message.

    keeping busy is definitely something I need to do and is sound advice.

    i wish you the best of luck with your op on Friday. Stay positive and I wish you the speediest of recoveries x

  • Hello, 

    thank you for taking the time to respond. I truly believe I will be able to process it all so much better when I get the results and know the next steps. I just want these 2 weeks to go as quickly as possible x

  • Hello Wickham11

    I had the same experience as you and had to wait 3 weeks to get confirmation and understand the treatment plan. Like you I found a lump in my breast and was told at the day centre and also like you I was a petrified mum of two. I don’t know your circumstance but I am a single mum. The dad doesn’t financially contribute or live close by, so I imagined the worst. My first health worry was how I was going to feel coming off HRT as I’d just changed to a new one having been on a different one for over 5 years with perimenopause symptoms but as time went on I became more worried about what stage cancer I may be at and what this would mean to my children. So by the time I was told it was early stage cancer I could have hugged the consultant with relief. She spent a good time talking to me about the treatment plan which for me started with surgery in two weeks time ;from the date of that meeting). I had that surgery on Friday and am at home now recovering. The three week waiting was far harder for me than waiting for the surgery. The only thing I could do was get my practical head on and keep myself busy. I won’t tell you to be patient as someone told me (that was really unhelpful and did irritate me a lot) but I get you, I hear you and feel for you. Take care Wicham11. I’ll be keeping everything crossed for you. 

  • Hello,

    thank you so much for your reply. I’m so sorry you’ve been through the same experience but it’s so reassuring to hear that you felt the same. Im pleased your surgery went well and you’re recovering. Can I ask how big your lump was? And what your course of treatment will be?

    I am so desperate to be told what type of cancer mine is and how it will be treated. The waiting is unbearable but I have found that the intrusive thoughts have already died down a bit and I’m more in control of myself again x

  • Hi, although everyone thought at the time it was a large lump when the results came back they said it was  just 14mm which is why treatment started with surgery. It may be that the surrounding tissue was just aggravated but I will find out more in Monday. Please do let me know how you get on am here if you have any other questions or just want to let off steam. It was lovely to hear back from you so don’t hesitate to get in touch again. 

  • Hello,

    I am in the very similar position.

    Had a breast clinic appointment on Monday, assumed the lump I was feeling was due to previous glandular tissue that was found 2 years ago. After ultrasound, mammogram, biopsies I was told by the consultant that the results are very likely to show a cancer and to prepare for the next appointment being about grades and treatments.

    i haven’t slept, I can’t eat and I keep crying…the thought of my babies not having a mummy and my husband losing me is destroying me.

    I’ve tried meditating and it helps for a short period but this feeling has totally paralysed me!

    I hope you are doing ok, please know you’re not alone, I’m broken by it all xx