Lymphodema after axillary node clearance

  • 1 reply
  • 6 subscribers

Hi, I had all my lymph nodes removed in right armpit, after malignant melanoma spreading  stage 3, this was a year ago. Cancer found in 15 out of the 25 removed. I have dance been on targeted therapy pills. I have had burning sensations in my upper underarm, numbness , tingling, pain in armpit , weakness comes and goes to point of dropping things. I exercise a lot , pilates, weights etc, which has helped a lot with flexibility. What else can I do? I use ladders at work and am worried now.thanks

  • Hi  

    I haven't experienced lymphoedema, so don't have any experiences to share, but noticed that your post hadn't had any replies yet. 

    If you haven't already, it might be worthwhile speaking to your CNS as most hospitals have people who specialise in dealing with lymphoedema and you might be able to get a referral.


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