Lymphatic drainage

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I had breast surgery last month with a lot of nodes removed from armpit to test if they were clear (they were). I was very worried about lymphedoema and very interested to discover Lymphatic Drainage which I received 2 days before surgery. Full approval by my medical team.

Wow! I came out of the treatment feeling 190 years younger. I now wake up fast in the morning and have loads more energy. This is a bit frustrating since surgery as unlike my usual lazy self I don't want to rest all the time. Am eating hugely (healing) but no weight gain. System is just burning faster. Wound healing also very fast, very clean.

The treatment itself was totally painless, gentle, surface massage with flat hands, no fingers digging. No tugging. I also had it on my legs which tend to swell especially in heat and in this heat wave - they didn't swell. Treatment cost £45. I did make sure I went to a very experienced practitioner, who'd been doing it 20 years.

I'd also recommend it to anyone over 40, anyone stressed or tired, or undergoing medical work. The lymph gets overloaded easily, especially when older. Its job is to clean away all debris from body shock, illness, tiredness, change. But it gets bogged down. I wish I'd discovered this decades ago I could have lived a much more active life. Still better late than never. Im about to do a second go because of the lymphadoema fear. But so far so good.

  • Its so much better to cope with lymph when you understand why it happens don't you think. I can still have the odd problem in my legs not that often though. Its 13yrs since my opp which was for ovarian cancer. So I get it in my legs but I have been shown what to do. Massage. Its great on the legs. I was shown how to do it. A lot of people suffer in silence which is such a shame. Have you put your story on the breast cancer forum. If not please do. A lot of people don't know there is help out there. Thank you so much for taking time to share....... Pat xxxx